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Court of inquiry rules out mechanical failure, sabotage or negligence as a cause of Dec 8 Chopper crash at Tamilnadu

The Tri-Services Court of Inquiry into the Mi-17 V5 accident on 08 Dec 21 has submitted its preliminary findings. The inquiry team analysed the Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder besides questioning all available witnesses to determine the most probable cause of the accident. The Court of Inquiry has ruled out mechanical failure, sabotage or negligence as a cause of the accident. The accident was a result of entry into clouds due to unexpected change in weather conditions in the valley. This led to spatial disorientation of the pilot resulting in Controlled Flight into Terrain revealed the report on the preliminary findings of the Tri – Services Court inquiry. Based on its findings, the Court of Inquiry has made certain recommendations which are being reviewed. Kindly recall that on 8 th December, 2021 a defence helicopter MI 17 V5 carrying the former Army chief and first chief of the Defence Services Bipin Rawat, his wife Madhulika Raje Singh Rawat, the CDS defence assistant Brigadier SS Lidder, staff officer of the CDS Lieutenant Colonel Harjinder Singh and 9 other army officers, pilots n lower rank staff were killed in a crash on Nilgiri hills at Cunoor, Tamilnadu sending shock waves in the country. Others who were martyred in this crash were : Wing Commander Prithvi Singh Chouhan, the pilot of the chopper, Squadron leader Kuldeep Singh, the co pilot, Junior Warrant Officer Rana Pratap Das, Junior Warrant Arakkal Pradeep, Lance Naik Vivek Kumar, Lance Naik B Sai Teja, Hawaldar Satpal Rai, Naik Guru Sewak Singh and Naik Jitendra Kumar.

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