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CM in Delhi, to meet union ministers regarding global investors summit at Dehradun in December

In Yamkeshwar block and other natural calamity hit areas where massive cloud burst incidents and torrential have led to tremendous disaster with houses and lands developing cracks and several houses demolished leading to people in distress literally bankrupted, the Congress party has accused the BJP government of the state and chief minister for being busy is so called preparatory meetings with higher ups, making announcement after announcements, campaigning in Bageshwar but literary doing nothing at ground zero. Appealing to the chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami to come to natural calamity affected block Yamkeshwar and see for himself the havoc wrecked here by cloud burst and torrential rains, the former Uttarakhand state president Ganesh Godiyal has tried to apply balm on the wounds of the affected residents who have lost their houses and everything. Appealing the CM with folded hands the former Congress chief Godiyal said if the CM visits this catastrophic area with his top officers and hear to the woes of the people, fifty percent of their grievances will be resolved on the ground and rest there after. He blamed the BJP state government of making tall claims, holding big meetings in front of TV cameras but doing nothing to set right the situation in flood and calamity affected areas and compensating the victims forth with. GODIYAL while inspecting the damaged houses and interacting with the Yamkeshwar residents said that this is highly worrisome that despite such a huge tragedy the CM has visited Kotdwar but not Yamkeshwar where the losses have been tremendous and roads and houses developing wide cracks as happened in the holy town Joshimath. Godiyal blamed the CM for making tall promises and “Ghoshnas, but literally doing nothing at the ground level where people of the state are suffering badly sure to natural calamity. He urged the CM to visit Yamkeshwar folding hands in front of TV cameras and meet the affected families to resolve their grievances at the earliest. In addition to this what is more condemn able is that the Yamkeshvar MLA Dr. Renu Bisht who had shown tremendous interest in taking the buldozer at Vanantara resort in Ankita Bhandari case arbitrarily to wash out the available evidence raising lot of controversy , has not visited Yamkeshwar for once despite so much of hullabaloo. Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami is today in Delhi where he held a press conference revealing about his plans to meet various central ministers and industrialists in connection with the global investors summit the Uttarakhand government is holding in the month of December with the target of generating Rs. 2.5 lakh crores through investors. The chief minister said that they have already got assurance for 22 thousand crores worth of investments in Uttarakhand from various corporates but the December global summit is targeting to invite more and more investors in Uttarakhand. It may be recalled that the then Uttarakhand CM in 2016 – 17, Trivendra Singh Rawat had also convened a much hyped global summit at Dehradun and said that more than 80 thousand crores of rupees worth of investments have been generated by Uttarakhand government and more are in the offing but not a word was heard after he was dethroned four years after. This new rhetoric again. Regarding the Bageshwar by – election the CM said that the BJP is, surely to win from here in view of the predecessor MLA Khajan Dass’s hard work and binding affectionate association with the voters. The CM Dhami said that besides Uttarakhand global summit he has to meet ministers to discuss on modified hydropower project and solar policies. It is believed that the chief minister may ask for more financial packages in view of the catastrophic disasters in Uttarakhand acquainting the PM and Home minister about the latest situation that has claimed several lives including falling of building on river sides and loss of lives etc.

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