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Congress activists on hunger strike cum Dharna at Dehradun demanding action against erring policemen for lathicharging women protestors

The leaders and workers of Uttarakhand Congress are peacefully protesting in the state capital Dehradun, by sitting on Dharna cum hunger strike against the brutal lathi charge on peaceful women, youth and senior citizen protestors on 1st March, the opening day of the Budget session, hailing from Dewalikhal , Nandghat area raising voice for the fulfilment of their long pending demand for widening of roads of Nandghat at Dewalikhal.

The police of Uttarakhand had thrashed several women and men protestors with heavy lathicharge as well as water cannons injuring several of them.

Some policemen were also injured as reported in the media in the melee.

The Congress protestors led by the Vice President of Uttarakhand Pradesh Congress Committee Suryakant Dhasmana demanded strict action against the responsible officers allegedly blaming the chief minister Trivendra Singh for this action against the peaceful protestors as he is also the home minister of the state.

Addressing the media, Uttarakhand Congress vice president Suryakant Dhasmana while demanding the resignation of the chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat said that in the history of Uttarakhand including during the crucial separate Uttarakhand movement, the demonstrators were not hurt and physically harmed with brutal lathi blows especially women, as done during the BJP rule on 1st of March when innocent women n senior citizens including youths were thrashed badly by making them run desperately while they were demanding widening of roads at Dewalikhal Nandprayag, in Chamoli Garhwal, Uttarakhand. He added that the Congress chief Pritam Singh has today gone to Dewalikhal, Nandghat to meet the injured women n men protestors and the party had organised protest demonstrations on Tuesday including burning of effigies of the CM to register their protests at all the district headquarters of Uttarakhand.

The Vice President of Congress Suryakant Dhasmana while holding the chief minister directly responsible for inflicting lathi blows on women protestors through policemen, demanded his resignation and immediate penalization of the erring policemen including officers responsible for this shameful act.

pic grabbed from vedio in social media

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