Complaint lodged in police against Baba Ramdev by IMA. Baba says : They don’t have guts to arrest me.

The war of words and complaint to PM, Health minister, police station and threat of Rs 1000 crores defamation case between the popular Saint and owner of Patanjali Yoga Peeth, Baba Ram Dev, always fond of remaining in controversies to keep himself intact in media circles, attaining stunning popularity and his bete noire, general secretary of Indian Medical Association’s Dr. Jayesh Lele has enhanced to such an extent that the former has in one of his vedios while addressing the media challenging said, “Kiske Baap Ki Hikmat Hai Jo mujhe arrest kar sake”, ( Who’s father has got the courage to arrest me). This, again, a new controvertial vedio is going viral in social and electronics media as well.
Responding to the questions of journalists on the ongoing controversy regarding Indian Medical Association demanding his apology or be ready to face severe consequences as it may go to court to file the defamation of Rs. 1000 crores against his statement pertaining to making mockery of Allopathic system of treatment n medicines including medical doctors, Yoga Guru Baba Ram Dev in a very lighter jubilant tone challenged them saying that ” Who’s father can arrest him further adding that there are hundreds of tweets against him, some pronouncing him as Thug, some Mahathug demanding his arrest with several Ram Dev ko giraftaar Karo tweets etc. These are just gimmicks and source of entertainment n nothing else retorted Ram Dev in a casual tone while responding to journos queries on Thursday. Kiske Baap Me Himmat Hai Mujhe arrest Karne ki asked Patanjali Yoga Guru.
It may be recalled that Dr. Jayesh Lele, General Secretary of Indian Medical Association has taken a very serious view of Baba Ramdev’s statements against the medical profession, Allopathic system of medicines and doctors and has written to prime minister Narendra Modi as well lodging their serious protest and complaint against the saffron clad Yoga Guru.
Today, the IMA has also lodged a written complaint against him in IP Estate police station requesting to convert it into the FIR.
In a complaint filed in IP police station The Indian Medical association accused the Yoga Guru of creating doubts and panic in the public about the Covid 19 vaccines allegedly terming them as ineffective and giving adverse results etc. He n his men are creating obstacles, bottlenecks or obstruction in the conduction of duties by the government servants. The complaint blames Ramdev and his men of misguiding the the people with malafide intention to harm the medical fraternity and the common masses of the country.
The IMA has catagorically urged to conduct an in-depth inquiry Into the conspiracy hatched by him and his associates and lodge an FIR.
It may be recalled that a vedio of Yoga Guru Baba Ram Dev went viral in social media recently in which he was making mockery of the allopathic system and the doctors termed by IMA as highly objectionable comments by the saffron clad Saint.
Taking a very serious view of Baba’s irresponsible statements against medical fraternity and the Allopathic system of medicine, the IMA has written to prime minister for taking serious action against him and asking him ( Ram Dev) to tender public apology or face the defamation case worth Rs. 1000 crores.
It may be recalled that Baba Ramdev has allegedly earned tremendous profits over the sale of his Ayurvedic anti Covid medicines called Coronil, which the IMA says has not been adequately tested but Baba Ram Dev claims to have passed all the relevant testings.
Several months ago during the Covid 19 lockdown Coronil has come into lot of controversy, finally approved by the Ayuvedic ministry ” AYUSH MANTRALAYA,” with union health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan inaugurating it.
On 22 nd May in a letter written to the union health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the Indian Medical Association said that about 1200 modern medicine allopathic doctors have sacrificed their lives while countering the pandemic by taking the Corona bullet on their chests. Millions of people struggling hard to survive and breathe with Covid 19 pneumonia and associated complications were nurtured, cared and resusticated to have a normal life by burning the midnight oil n altruistic care by these dedicated doctors and their team. But instead of lauding these brave doctors, Yoga Guru Ramdev while selling his weird ideology, taking people to ransom and winning business by defaming scientific medicines thus committing unpardonable offences is saying in a vedio going viral in social media : ALLOPATHY E K AISE STUPID AUR DIVALIYA SCIENCE HAI”, etc committing an unpardonable act whereas the fact remains that both Ram Dev and Acharya Bal Kishan have sought medical treatments of Allopathic medicines in the past. In addition to the above statement Baba Ram Dev further said ” LAKHON LOGON KI MAUT ALLOPATHIC DAVAI KHAANE SE HUI HAI”, challenging the wisdom and integrity of the DGCI. The IMA demanded that the union health minister take strict action against Baba Ramdev n his men for his vetriolic accusation of the modern medicines under relevant sections of the epidemic act.
Icture: The
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