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Committee of advocates formed to file review petition in Supreme Court in Nirbhaya of Najafgarh case !

Deeply hurt, annoyed and furious several hundred social activists, journalists, literary figures, members and representatives of social organisations n political parties today assembled at Garhwal Bhawan, near Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Chowk, Jhandewalan and unanimously took a decision to form a high level steering committee of leading advocates n legal experts led by the recently elected general secretary of Delhi Bar Association Sandeep Sharma. The committee will prepare a review or curative petition in few days from now and file a review petition against the recent decision acquitting the three convicts of late Kiran NEGI, who was brutally murdered after gang rape in Rodhai village, Haryana on 9 February, 2012. Large number of women activists were also present in the meeting.

The meeting was convened by Garhwal Hithesini Sabha, the biggest representative body of Garhwal, Uttarakhand in Delhi established in 1953 which is likely to complete its hundred years of existence in 2023.

Several speakers expressed their pivotal views and suggestions on this occasion and unanimity was arrived over the formation of a credible committee of top n learned lawyers who should take into consideration all the important legal technical aspects and fulfilling all the missing loopholes in the previous case to make it a rock solid petition, ensuring capital punishment to the human beasts who not only brutally gang raped the 19 year old innocent Kiran NEGI, the only bread earner of the poor family but later on brutally killed her, inflicting 21 severe injuries on her body including throwing acid in her eyes and inserting a broken bottle in her private parts.

The president of Uttarakhand Journalists Forum, Sunil NEGI has while expressing the people’s concern and shock over the acquittal of the deadly culprits and expressing his full respects towards the honourable apex court said that the patchty investigation of the police and deliberate negligence in the entire case – the culprits were exonerated despite the very fact that it was in the category of the rarest of the rare case. Mr. NEGI expressed his full faith over the capable leadership of advocate Sandeep Sharma n hoped that he – with his outstanding team of leading advocates will ensure that the culprits are duly punished stringently.

The senior journalist Charu Tiwari while expressing his serious concern of the acquittal of the culprits urged the senior advocates led by Sandeep Sharma to ensure that the culprits are severely tried under the law again and capital punishment ensured in the near future. The national spokesman of AAP Harish Awasthi expressed his party’s wholehearted support to the cause and said he ‘ll always be available to ensure justice for our daughter late Kiran NEGI.

The communication IT expert Lalit Dhaundiyal while expressing his annoyance over the acquittal of the hardened criminals in Kiran NEGI case due to path investigations etc said that the mobile records of the days and before of the gang rape n murder culprits can be retrieved if the police seriously works on this front as the police had failed to trace calls etc apart from several other lapses like witnesses no recognising the criminals due to their faces covered, lapses in DNA and forensic evidences collected a week after 9 th February, the day gang rape n murder of the Nirbhaya of Najafgarh was committed at Rodhai village precincts in Haryana.

The Uttarakhand Congress president Dhirendra Pratap offered Rs 50000 as a token monetary contribution for the cause urging others also to come forward to donate generously. He felt the need to go for crowd funding in order to arrange a powerful lawyer to take this case to its logical conclusion.

The author of several books and leader Jagdish Mamgain said that this is now purely a war to be fought in Supreme Court and the onus lies with best advocates we have, expressing his full faith on senior advocate Sandeep Sharma and his legal team. He also urged to mobilise the public opinion as much as we can to impact the case in future. He also favoured to send petitions to higher authorities including president n prime minister.

Trepan Singh Bhandari, a leading entrepreneur turned activist said he is stunned over the apex court judgement but also feel that had our advocates paid attention while the case was in process and monitored it perhaps the situation should not have been so bad. He urged for a powerful leading advocate of supreme Court to take up this case to its logical conclusion ensuring death to the convicts in Kiran NEGI case.

Majority of the speakers were in favour of generating public opinion through mass mobilisation on the one hand and fighting the case in the apex court on the other hand with all the important and credible evidences to make it a rock solid case. They wanted Kiran NEGI to be called the daughter of the nation rather confining her to Uttarakhand.

They were also in favour of sending representations to President, Prime minister, Delhi CM, law minister and Delhi Police Commissioner urging to grant immediate justice to the Nirbhaya of Najafgarh Kiran NEGI. Kusum Kandwal Bhatt , a child activist and other women speakers Mrs Deopa, Prema Dhoni n Roshni Chamoli demanded immediate security to the parents of late Kiran NEGI as the culprits are free now and may harm them as they had already threatened the family earlier of dire consequences. Unanimity was also arrived at, about a campaign to acknowledge signatures on memorandums to be sent to the higher ups on wide scale.

A demand was also made to ensure that the culprits are not released till the decision on review petition comes, as the life of the family of the victim is in acute danger, the acquitted culprits being history sheeters and had threatened the family of dire consequences earlier.

The meeting was convened by the GHS president Ajay Bisht and moderated too. He urged one and all not to speak and write any derogatory or disrespectful remarks in social media against the honourable supreme Court as this legal fight is now in the court and review petition should be filed first to see whether it is accepted and decision comes favourably. Respecting Supreme Court n it’s judges is our constitutional duty said Bisht.

The senior advocate and Delhi Bar Association General secretary Sandeep Sharma has assured that he with his legal team will do his best to ensure that the review petition is admitted in the apex court and they are able to successfully prepare a credible petition to bring fruitful results. There is a lot of hard work involved in preparing the petition said advocate Sandeep Sharma. He also said that he and his legal team stands committed not to charge a single paisa in this regard. The meeting was a grand success.

Apart from the above speakers those who spoke on this ocassion were Brijmohan Upreti, V. N. Sharma, T. S. Bhandari, former state minister rank vice chairman in Uttarakhand Sachidanand Sharma, senior advocate Sudhir Sajwan, Roshni Chamoli, Lalit Dhaundiyal, Devendra Bisht, Sanyogita Dhyani, former vice chairman of Garhwal, Jaunsari and Kumaoni Academy M. S. Rawat, Mahavir Singh Rana, U. S. Rana, Pawan, Maithani, Congress leader Lakshman Singh Rawat, Sarita Rawat, Dr. Vinod Bacheti, President of Mayur Vihar district BJP and former standing Committee MCD chairman Jagdish Mamgain, AAP leader Digmohan Singh NEGI, etc.

Kindly recall that a three judge bench led by the chief justice of Supreme Court U. U. Lalit had a day ago acquitted the three convicts given capital sentence by the Dwarka lower Court and upheld by Delhi High Court. The Supreme Court judges had found the investigations in the case extremely patchy leading to the acquittal of the convicts. This decision of the supreme Court has shocked one n all as the innocent 19 year old Kiran NEGI was horrendously killed with 21 grievous wounds after gang rape for three days, throwing acid on her face , eyes n ears n inserting broken bottle in her private parts. Her dead badly mutilated body was thrown in a jungle near Rodhai village in Haryana after gang rape and torture by the three culprits namely Rahul, Ravi and Vinod.

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  1. Good initiative . However as usual its only selective outrage .
    When it does not suit the agenda, not a word is spoken, written or thought of and at other times hundreds of articles and part time secular activists marching on roads with candles seem to be suddenly worried for ‘choosen few’ daughters or women
    Publicity stunt

  2. संघर्ष जारी रखना ही न्याय पाने मै विधि की धारा को पलटेगी।आजकल रसूखदार लोगो का जमाना है।स्व राम जेठमलानी की एक पैरवी की फीस 10 लाख से उपर होती थी।जज भी केस को सबूतो ,वकीलो की भाषा ,व केस को तोडने मोडने पर ,प्रभावित कर देता है।कोर्ट मै शब्दो के माया जाल का युद्ध चलता है कि कैसे आप तर्क, कुतर्क या अन्य ढंग से पेरवी करा सकते है।खैर एकता मे शक्ति है।प्रजातंत्र है।सडको पर उतरने से अन्याय के विरूद्ध आवाज उठाने वाले बिजयी होते है।दुर्भाग्य इस देश का है कि पुलिस व वकील के अलावा 99% भारतीयो को कानूनी जानकारी नही है।कानूनी मायाजाल मे उलझकर लोग अपना कीमती समय,पैसा,इज्जत व परिवार की कमजोर आर्थिक स्थिति के कारण,सही जिरह करने वाले वकील को रख नही पाते।कुछ दयालू वकील है जो कम फीस लेकर अन्याय के विरूद्ध जन हित के लिए लडते देखै गये है।जेसे अश्वनी उपाध्याय 1991 के उपासना एक्ट,1992 का माइनॉरिटी एक्ट व 1995 का वक्त बोर्ड को काग्रेस द्वारा दी गयी असीमित कानूनी अधिकार देकर किसी की संपत्ति को अपना बता दे ,के विरूद्ध लड रहे है।इसलिए सबको एक होकर किरण नेगी का केश लडना होगा।शायद सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज भी सेवानिवृत्त होने वाले होगे।
    This comment was posted by Rajendra Prasad in response to the above story.

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