Chief Congress spokesperson of Uttarakhand writes to CEC against sending IT notices to Ganesh Godiyal, Garhwal candidate after EC’s Election Code of Conduct

The firebrand chief spokesperson of Congress in Uttarakhand Garima Dasauni has sent an urgent letter to the chief election commissioner Rajiv Kumar expressing the party’s serious concern and reservation over the misuse of the central agencies particularly Income Tax department harrassing the Congress candidate by issuing him, his wife and firm three income tax notices asking to be present on 22 nd March at Thane, Maharashtra when he is in the middle of election campaigning being the authorised Congress candidate from Pauri Garhwal constituency.
In a letter written to the chief election commissioner in Hindi Garima Dasauni wrote that the election dates have already been declared and as such there is a code of conduct but the Congress candidate Ganesh Godiyal who is the candidate from Garhwal constituency has been issued Income Tax notices not one but three in the middle of the election campaigning unambiguously giving an impression that the ruling party is misusing the central agencies like Income tax n other to create obstacle in the way of their campaigning deliberately to harrass them when code of conduct has been imposed by the Election Commission urging the CEC to direct the central agencies not to act vindictively against the Congress candidates . The letter stated that since the Garhwal Parliamentary candidate Ganesh Godiyal has already started his election campaigning issuance of three IT notices in the middle of the campaigning asking him to be present on 22 March is a deliberate ploy to create bottlenecks in the way of campaigning and the practice amount to clear cut vindictive action motivated by political interests of the ruling party. She urged the CEC to issue clear cut urgent directives to Income Tax departments etc to desist from such pressure tactics on the opposition candidates as code of conduct has already been implemented.