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Captain Amarinder Singh meets Ajit Doval and Sidhu leaves for Chandigarh to meet Punjab CM to sort out differences

After meeting the Union home minister Amit Shah on Wednesday holding discussions for almost 45 minutes related to three farm laws and enactment of a new law on minimum support price n the ongoing farmers agitation, as given to understand, the unceremoniously exited Congress chief minister of Punjab who ruled for 9.5 years successfully except falling victim to the critical political developments few months ago, has on Thursday met the national security advisor Ajit Doval at his South Block office in New Delhi.

Annoyed n exasperated former CM Captain Amrinder Singh with Congress high command is believed to have deliberated on sensitive issues related to porous Punjab border and illegal activities of Pakistan trained infiltrators backed ISI supplying drugs to spoil the youths of Punjab etc.

The former chief minister of Punjab had already mentioned several times about the 600 to 700 kilometre sensitive border of Punjab with Pakistan and how his government and Punjab Police, Indian Army and paramilitary forces had countered various clandestine illegal attempts of ISI backed drug smugglers and terrorists infiltrating in Punjab and supplying illegal drugs, arms n ammunition spoiling the future of the youths of Punjab. The Pathankot air forces station terrorist attack was no unusual Pak sponsored terror invasion.

He even went to the extent of pronouncing state Congress former president Navjyot Singh Sidhu as a great security risk in view of his friendly relations with Pakistan PM Imran Khan and Army general of the enemy country Bajwa whom he had jubilantly hugged during his earlier visit to Pakistan getting tremendous media hype inviting criticism from several quarters.

It may be recalled that after his meeting with union home minister Amit Shah there are speculations of his joining BJP, especially after captain’s public accusations against Congress trio Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi, terming both Nehru Gandhi scions as inexperienced and surrounded by a coterie of wrong n inexperienced advisors leading to his unceremonious exit as Punjab CM, who ruled the state successfully for 9.5 years and brought back the Congress in the state in 2015 despite the nation influenced by massive Modi wave including victory of Congress MPs in the last general election.

There are reports that he’ll be meeting the Prime minister Narendra Modi and BJP national chief J. P. Nadda shortly.

Meanwhile there are news reports that the Congress high command has deputed veteran Congress leaders Ambika Soni and Kamal Nath to approach the annoyed and disenchanted former CM and erstwhile Maharaja of Patiala to pacify him and keep him in good humour especially after his bete noire, former Punjab Congress chief has resigned from the post of president in haste acting as a super CM of Punjab.

Despite, speculations about his joining BJP in social media n print n electronics channel the former Punjab CM has so far not given any inkling of his joining BJP and this is the basic reason why Congress party high command is compelled to pacify him. There are also reports that the resignation letter of Punjab Congress chief has not been accepted by the Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Sidhu is reaching Chandigarh Punjab to honour the invitation of Punjab CM Channi to meet him and sort out their differences.

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