After effects of “The Kashmir Files,” tweets a sr. journo on the resignation of Vikramaditya Singh from Congress

The son of eminent Congress leader and former union minister during the tenure of late prime minister Indira Gandhi and grandson of the king of Jammu and Kashmir Maharaja Hari Singh, Vikramaditya Singh has resigned from Congress party which he had joined from PDF in 2015.
His father Dr. Karan Singh’s association with Congress party is several decades old.
While resigning from the Congress party on Tuesday , former MLA and grandson of Maharaja Hari Singh in a letter to Congress president Sonia, Gandhi wrote : I hereby tender my resignation from the primary membership of the Indian National Congress ( INC) with immediate effect. It is my belief that the INC is unable to realise and reflect the sentiments and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He also tweeted saying that I have resigned from INC as my position on critical issues vis – a – vis on Jammu and Kashmir which reflect national interests do not align with that of the Congress party which remains disconnected with the ground realities.

It may be recalled that the impact of “The Kashmir Files” movie, running house full in about two thousand screens at the pan India level has generated lot of controversy and anti Congress stance allegedly blaming the Congress governments ruling at the centre and states for decades since India attained independence pampering the National Conference leader Shiekh and Farookh Abdulah and not able to control terrorism, allegedly holding them responsible for the deteriorating Kashmir situation, leading to the forced and traumatic exodus of five lakh Kashmiri Pandits to various parts of the country with several tortuous deaths shown as genocide by this movie having generated about Rs 150 crores in just two week’s time. However, in 1990, the government of V. P. Singh ruled at The centre and Jagmohan was the Jn K governor with Farrooq Abdullah, the state CM.
The impact of the film showing the previous non BJP governments as primarily responsible ( not naming them) for the plight of Kashmiries has generated a special debate in Indian society as well as in various media channels raising the hand of suspicion and blaming the leaders n non BJP political parties for the blunders committed in the past, especially Congress.
This can be unambiguously illustrated from the fact that even journalists have now now come to the conclusion that the leaders of Congress, especially those from Jammu and Kashmir are resigning due to the after effect of Kashmir Files.
In a tweet, senior journalist Sanjay Kaw who himself is witness to the forced traumatic exodus of Kashmiri Pundits in 1990 suffering the unbearable pain and confronting the most tragic situation tweeted : The after effects of # The KashmirFiles —- Maharaja Hari Singh’s grandson Vikramaditya Singh has resigned from the primary membership of the Congress. Mr. Singh, who is son of Dr. Karan Singh, has said that the party has not reflected the sentiments and aspirations of the people of J and K tweeted senior journalist Sanjay Kaw.

However, another journalist of TOI, its principal correspondent who wrote on the film terming it as accurate depiction of exodus, but with a political narrative tweeted : Anyone who is aware of the politics in J&K knows that Vikramaditya was in talks with BJP since 2019 abrogation of article 370. Kashmir Files gave him the right time to launch himself. Not an after effect opportunistic tale.
Kindly recall that 57 years old Vikramaditya Singh had contested from Congress party in 2019 against BJP’s Jitendra Singh from Udhampur in 2019 general elections and lost.
He had joined Congress in 2018 and had been quite vocal lauding the decision of the BJP led NDA government for abrogating article 370 and giving the union territory status to Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu saying that this decision will give the people of these UTs equality, developmental avenues and lead to their all round progress, underlying the need to give J and K a full statehood in the near future.
Blaming the Congress party for being inefficient in bringing necessary organisational changes in Jand K and at the national level as well, Vikramaditya Singh had not given his views on joining BJP at present saying that he needs some time to think on it.
He catagorically said that Congress has not been capable and successful in coming up with dexterity to cope with the emerging scenario at the pan India level.
Always believing in the best interest of the people he aired his views openly even against party’s policy framework opposing the Gupkar alliance, favouring abrogation of article 370 and 35 A, and support for delimitation process etc including lauding the present government on Balakot Sir strikes in Pakistan etc.