Pictures send from Ukraine by an Uttarakhand Inhabitant working and stranded in war torn Ukraine, with desperate n terror stricken people rushing to cross border

After the Russian attack on Ukraine and its president hiding in bunker with European union and super power America leaving Ukranians in lurch with good number of casualties taking place and panic all around, there are thousands of people working and studying in this war torn country looking for safe return to the country, with the Indian government working hard to ensure their safe return through various channels, claiming several Indians stranded in Ukranian capital Kyiv n other parts having been given shelter in Indian ambassy etc and about 219 students airlifted to Mumbai safely on Sunday.
Large number of Uttarakhand inhabitants are also working here, especially in hotel industry with several owning their owns restaurants as well.
The former lawmaker Kishore Upadhyay has revealed that forty people of village Gaunsari are working in Poland hotel industry and stranded including some in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, one of the stranded Indian originally from Garhwal, Rauthan Vikas Gusain working in Ukraine, in one of the hotels stranded in extreme difficult situation has send some photographs n videos in social media from ground zero, explicitly explaining the shocking distressed condition of the stranded Indians at Ukraine and its capital Kyiv while in extreme panic.

According to Amit Gusain, Rauthan Vikas is currently stranded in Ukraine where he is working for the last few years.
He send few self clicked pictures from Ukraine to accquaint of the real plight of suffering people in panic.
The first picture unambiguously exhibits hundreds of desperate fearful, panic stricken people trying to desperately board a Metro train to leave trouble torn Ukraine border as soon as possible with little luggage, leaving everything behind.
In view of the constant shelling n bombardments, the terrorised panic stricken people, including those from other countries wanted to flee the war torn country by hook or by crook.
The desperate people in thousands are fleeing to Hungary, Poland and Romania.
Those who’ve been successful in reaching hungry have sought sheter in shelter homes in hundreds n thousands.
The stranded panic stricken students, n those working in private services viz Indians are being brought to India via hungry and Romania.
As per the latest news floating in the Russian troops n tanks are shelling the Army camps and civil population including residential buildings and government structures, offices etc of Ukraine, with several casualties. So far about two hundred or more people have died in these shellings.
According to Amit Gusain, social activist and Vikas Rauthan Gusain, who is stranded in Ukraine, the media is blowing the situation out of proportion though shelling is going on, but stranded Indians are safe and sound there with government trying its best to safely bring all the stranded Indians back home safely, despite panic and terror like situation.