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Bihar CM Nitish Kumar urges electorates to vote for PM Modi to make him CM for the third time

The chief minister of Bihar Nitish Kumar while addressing a public meeting in Patna in support of the former union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said that they should support him to make prime minister Narendra Modi as the chief minister for the third time with people laughing over his statement.

Even those on the stage including Ravi Shankar Prasad and other BJP leaders were seen smiling.

But one of the personnel security of the chief minister Nitish Kumar tried to intervene reminding him that he is prime minister.

Hearing this overenthusiastic Nitish Kumar said what ….. adding that there is no doubt that he is our PM and would always be . What I mean is that he will progress and move ahead said CM Nitish Kumar looking at Ravi Shankar Prasad and other leaders.

He urged the voters to raise their hands to assure him that they will vote for Ravi Shankar Prasad in unison. He repeated his sentence urging people to raise their hands once again assuring to vote for him. He stood by the side of Ravi Shankar Prasad and held him tight. He thanked the audience for assuring him to vote for Mr. Prasad who he said will work for them and he too will resolve their issues pertaining to the state.

It may be recalled that the BJP leadership has taken the cudgels in his hand to ensure that NDA wins on majority of seats this time as well. The saffron party is set to contest on 17 out of total 50 seats in Bihar making a departure from its earlier role to support the JD(U) of Nitish Kumar. In 2019 the BJP and JD (U) had contested on equal number of seats.

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