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Bhim of Mahabharat Praveen Kumar is no more

The Bhim of Mahabharat serial produced by eminent director, producer /B.R.Chopra is no more. He breathed his last at the age of 74 yesterday night. Primarily hailing from Punjab, renowned athelete as well 6.5 feet tall with sound physique Praveen Kumar went through bad days appealing the government for financial assistance like pension etc running short of money for treatment etc. A hammer and discuss throw athelete prior to coming into acting Praveen Kumar had won four medals, two golds, one silver and one bronze in Asian Games including representing India in 1968 Mexico and 1972 Munich international games. The government of Indus felicitated him with coveted Arjun award being appointed as Deputy commandant in Border Security Force on sports quota. His sad demise has send shock waves in Telivision industry and Bollywood.

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