Baba Ram Dev published big size advertisements tendering unconditional apology after reprimand from SC

The self styled Yoga Guru and chief architect of Patanjali Products limited and its managing director, his disciple as well Acharya Balkishan after being reprimanded by the two judge bench of the Supreme Court the other day for publishing small advertisements and also holding a press conference after the court’s instruction not to do so has now published big size advertisements in various news papers tendering public apology for violating the apex court’s directives etc. The two judge bench of the apex court comprising of Justices Hima Kohli and Ahsannuddin Amanullah had come down heavily on Yoga Guru Ram Dev and his disciple Acharya Balkishan in the earlier hearings for contempt action for publishing and telecasting objectionable and misleading advertisements about their herbal medicines under the Patanjali brands claiming to fully cure Covid , blood pressure and diabetes etc degrading the allopathic medicines. The court has raised objections on the publication of small clarifications ( advertisements) in several newspapers asking Patanjali Yoga Guru to come out with big front page advertisements as compared to their earlier advertisements propagating their herbal medicines / products to which the counsel for them Mukul Rohtagi had said that they had already spent tens of lakhs of rupees. Justice Hima Kohli said they want bigger advertisements as she is not concerned about the expenses etc to what ch Baba Ramdev duly agreed. Following the court orders Patanjali published bigger coloured advertisements in several newspapers under the heading ” UNCONDITIONAL PUBLIC APOLOGY” mentioning : In the wake of on going matter before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India ( Wrot Petition C No.645/2022 we in our individual capacity as well as on behalf of the company , unconditionally apologise for non compliance or disobedience of directions / orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. We unconditionally extend the apology for holding meeting/ press conference dated 22.11.2024. We earnestly apologise for the mistake made in publishing our advertisements and it is our wholehearted commitment that such errors will not be repeated. We undertake to abide by the directions and instructions of Hon’ble Court with due care and utmost sincerity. We undertake to uphold the majesty of the court and comply with applicable laws and directions Hon’ble Court of law / relevant authorities. Sincerely Patanjali Ayurveda Limited, Acharya Balkishan and Baba Ram Dev mentions the advertisement.