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Ashutosh Negi may contest as the UKD candidate from Garhwal Parliamentary constituency against BJP’s Anil Baluni and Godiyal of Congress

The journalist, whistle blower and the editor of Jago Uttarakhand who was jailed under SC ST Act and is out on bail currently can be named as the authorised candidate of Uttarakhand Kranti Dal from Pauri Garhwal constituency against Ganesh Godiyal of Congress and Anil Baluni of Bhartiya Janata Party. Mr.Negi has claimed his ” DAAVEDARI” to seek the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal ticket appealing to its high command.

Speaking to media, UKD candidate from Pauri Garhwal Parliamentary constituency Ashutosh Negi thanked the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal for having reposed faith in him and expressed his optimism that the UKD leadership will definitely make him the parliamentary candidate from Garhwal constituency.

Negi said that he has been relentlessly struggling and fighting the the case of Ankita Bhandari to enable delivery of expeditious justice to her traumatised parents but the police had jailed him arbitrarily under unsubstantiated charges which are not true said Ashutosh Negi.

Now there will be a triangular contest in Pauri Garhwal constituency between Anil Baluni of BJP who is the national media incharge of the saffron party and in close proximity to prime minister Narendra Modi, union home minister Amit Shah and former Congress chief of Uttarakhand Ganesh Godiyal and Ashutosh Negi of Uttarakhand Kranti Dal if he gets the ticket.

Kindly recall that Ashutosh Negi is the main target of the Bhartiya Janata Party as he has been relentlessly struggling and protesting from 18 September, 2022 the day Ankita Bhandari went mysteriously missing from Vanantara resort in Yamkeshwar Block finally her dead body traced in the Chila canal at Rishikesh on 22 nd September raising outrage all over the state with several social organisations, political parties coming on streets and protesting demanding CBI enquiry in the matter but of no avail. The state government formed the STF which interrogated and arrested three culprits, the main being the son Pulkit Arya of the RSS leader and former state minister in BJP government.

The case was currently in the court and the anguished mother has already named the VIP who compelled Ankita to give him the special services and Ankita denied resulting in her brutal murder. The anguished parents and Ashutosh Negi with other activists are sitting in protest dharna at Shrinagar Garhwal demanding action against the VIP named by the mother of Ankita and stringent action against the culprits.

The MLA from Pratap Nagar Vikram Singh Negi had also raised the issue in Uttarakhand assembly demanding legal action against the VIP named by Ankita’s mother.

Meanwhile the wife of Ashutosh Negi serving in a government department in Dehradun was allegedly arbitrarily transferred to Pithoragarh with the aim to take vendetta against Ashutosh. Not only this – he was arrested under the SCST act but was released after the ADSJ Kotdwar had accorded him the bail on the ground that Negi was arrested on politically motivated grounds because he was fighting the case of Ankita Bhandari to deliver her anguished parents due justice since beginning. He has also filed a Special Leave Petition in Supreme court through a leading advocate fighting pro bono cases Colin Gonsalves demanding CBI enquiry in Ankita Bhandari case.

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