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Arvind Kejriwal tweets : To play politics on people’s pain due to Covid doesn’t look nice for PM

A controversy erupted after prime minister Narendra Modi while addressing the MPs on motion of thanks to president’s address in Lok Sabha with Aam Admi Party’s national convenor and Delhi CM Arvind Kejrival and Congress party’s spokesman and general secretary Randeep Singh Surjewala criticizing him for his comments against the Aam Aadmi Party’s Delhi government and opposition parties for using the pandemic for political purpose.

The prime minister catagorically accused the AAM Aadmi Party and its Delhi government for forcefully sending the people of Delhi’s slum clusters in hired buses to their hometowns creating panic of pandemic and then leaving them on the way in between compelling them to go on foot and wander here and there leading to the spread of Covid 19 in states like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand due to this sin where earlier the pandemic was not so much.

This statement of Prime minister infuriated the Delhi CM who responded posting the video of PM’s specific speech criticizing Delhi government n tweeting in Hindi : ( translation of the tweet) This statement of prime minister is absolute untrue. The country is hopeful that those who had faced and tolerated the pain during the Corona times, those who lost their near and dear ones, the honourable prime minister would be sensitive towards them. To play politics on the pain of the suffering people doesn’t like nice for Prime minister sir tweeted Arvind Kejriwal.

Similarly, the chief spokesman of Congress party Randeep Singh Surjewala in his series of tweets while criticising the prime minister over his remarks against opposition tweeted : Today there was tremendous propaganda in the house regarding India becoming the biggest economy whereas the fact remains that in India the government of handful of rich is functioning, the economy is divided between the rich and poor. He further added : In Parliament there should have been the talk of 12 crore finished employment opportunities, about 23 crores distressed poor labourers, about 700 farmers martyred, about the decreased income of 84% households, regarding highest inflation during the last three decades n 40 to 60 lakhs deaths due to Corona, but proud is still waiting to lose the election pointing out towards the ruling BJP. He added : in the end the talk of the mind is ( pointing towards Man Ki Baat programme) if you don’t like my capitalist friends, never mind but if you will like the working class, poor, youths and farmers then you’ll be in difficulties tweeted Congress leader n spokesman Surjewala.

It may be recalled that while addressing the house on motion of thanks Prime minister also spoke on opposition apart from his detailed speech and criticism of Delhi government. Prime Minister Modi also regretted the blind opposition to efforts of the government that should be universally supported. “If we are talking about being vocal for local, are we not fulfilling the dreams of Mahatma Gandhi? Then, why was it being mocked by the Opposition? We talked about Yoga and Fit India but that was mocked by the Opposition too”, he said. “The world has taken note of India’s economic strides and that too in the middle of a once in a lifetime global pandemic”, he added.

Meanwhile the leader of the opposition in Delhi Assembly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri and president of BJP Kisan Morcha Vinod Saraswat are sitting outside the Delhi CM’s residence indefinitely from 9;th February of alleged non fulfilment if the farmers demands by the Delhi government. There 12 points demands include free electricity to Delhi farmers for irrigation and compensation for acquisition of farmers land should be increased to Rs 10 crores per acre etc.

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