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Anguished prime minister sanctions ex gratia of Rs 2 lakhs to the bereaved families of the each dead and Rs 60000 to the injured of Kullu bus accident !

After series of tragic accidents witnessed in Garhwal Uttarakhand in the recent days with a bus of tourists of Madhya Pradesh felling hundreds of metres down in a gorge killing 26 pilgrims and grievously injuring five followed by several such tragic kills when boulders fell over running cars and debris injuring n killing people, in Himachal Pradesh too a most tragic accident occurred in which 16 school going children died. This horrendous accident occurred in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh when a school bus slipped and after going out of control fell in a gorge several feet downwards carrying school children. According to the latest reports 16 children died and several other injured. Anguished prime minister Narendra Modi has expressed his deepest condolence on this tragic accident . He announced an ex – gratia of Rs two lakhs to each bereaved families and Rs 60 thousand to the injured. There is tremendous shock waves all around in Himachal Pradesh. The accident was so fatal that the bus retrieved thereafter from the gorge was badly smashed as if pressed in the heavy grinding machine.

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