May God rest the departed souls at his feet

Today at around 2.00 pm, a pickup vehicle UK 12CA 0871 went out of control and crashed in Thakulsari, Bandarkot Bironkhal under Thalisain police station area, in which 03 people died.
Lift was taken in this vehicle by four school children in which 03 children have minor injuries and one child is more serious who has been referred to Ramnagar for better medical treatment. The police personnel and SDRF are on the spot. Busy retrieving the dead bodies. RIP.
It may be recalled that not a day is left when there are no fatal accidents in Uttarakhand. Fatal accidents of vehicles in various mountainous roads have become so frequent that human lives have become of no relevance and the government has fixed merely Rs 6 lakhs for the deceased in these fatal accidents which is quite a small amount for a lost life in accidents. Are human beings lives so cheap in Uttarakhand, especially those die in motor road accidents or succumb to man-eater attacks.
What is more worrisome is the fact the government agencies who are responsible for manning roads, transport, traffic and other demerits of the drivers , condition of roads, blind turns etc including monitoring of the movement of traffic to check whether the buses or vehicles are overloaded or not etc have been completely apathetic and negligence towards increasing fatal accidents in Uttarakhand especially during the monsoons when fatal accidents are tremendous.
ईश्वर दिवंगत आत्माओं को अपने चरणों में स्थान दे
आज लगभग 2.00 बजे दोपहर थाना थलीसैंण क्षेत्रांतर्गत ठाकुलसरी,बंदरकोट बीरोंखाल में एक पिकअप वाहन यूके 12CA 0871 अनियंत्रित होकर दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया जिसमें सवार 03 व्यक्तियों की मृत्यु हो गई है। इस वाहन में चार स्कूली बच्चों द्वारा लिफ्ट ली गई थी जिनमें 03 बच्चों को मामूली चोटें आई है और एक बच्चा ज्यादा सीरियस है जिसे रामनगर रेफर कर दिया गया है, थाना पुलिस और sdrf मौके पर है ।।