AITUC demands withdrawal of Government notifications

18th June 2024
The Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, has published five notifications in the Gazette of India on 14.06.2024 (GSR 325(E), GSR 326(E), GSR 327(E), GSR 329(E) and GSR 330(E)) amending the Provident Fund Scheme, Pension Scheme, EDLI Scheme and so on.
According to AITUC these amendments reduce the penal charges levied against employers defaulting or delaying their contributions to these schemes.
AITUC condemns this “ease of doing business”, on the following grounds: the Central Board of Trustees of the Employees Provident Fund Organisation has been kept in the dark about these amendments and the logic of improving compliance by the employers by reducing penalties for their defaults is indefensible.
AITUC demands the said notifications be withdrawn and the Government strictly honour tri-partism.