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Delhi news

AIIMS endoscopy room in the second floor caught fire. 8 fire tenders pressed into service !

A fire broke out at 11.54 AM in the second floor endoscopy room at AIIMS casualty resulting in panic all around and the patients coming to AIIMS casualty redirected to Safdarjung hospital. The casualty department has been closed for indefinite time after the fire. The event got fire tenders rushed to AIIMS and were successful to douse the fire after intensive two hours efforts. The patients were hurriedly evacuated to other wards. The fire had erupted in the second floor of the old Rajkumari OPD building’s endoscopy room. Since the emergency ward of the AIIMS has been closed for now due to this fire and all patients coming there, being send to Safdarjung hospital the large number of patients are facing lot of inconvenience especially those suffering from critical illnesses. The AIIMS director reached the spot and has inspected the site. However, there has been no loss of life or human injury.

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