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After two surveys, showing BJP winning in Uttarakhand, Congress seems to be perturbed. Rawat asks Priyanka to come to Srinagar n Almora

There had been majorly two surveys of prominent news channels in Uttarakhand, one by ABP C Voter Survey and another by Times Now, Navbharat pertaining to the chances of the which party coming to power in the himalayan state, the elections of which are going to take place in the month of March ending.

The dates are also likely to be announced this week, probably with election code of conduct also to be imposed shortly.

In both the surveys, despite the rumours, analysis n news in several print and electronics media there were reports that BJP has the disadvantage of suffering from anti incumbency factor having changed three CMs in just a months, five months ago and people not happy with the inefficient governance of the ruling party with prevailing corruption at all levels, hell bent upon seeing it ousted from the power with main opposition party Congress having an upper hand likely to stage a come back.

But despite the chances of BJP losing and Congress returning back to power as the news were floating in including Congress leaders claiming with wide chests despite internal squabbles going on, the two surveys of ABP C earlier and Times Now Navbharat yesterday has unambiguously given edge to BJP by declaring the saffron party getting 42 to 48 seats, with Congress merely 12 to 16 seats and AAP 4 to 7 seats with two being won by others that included independents etc. However, the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal, an old regional outfit that played an important role in getting the separate Uttarakhand state is no where to be seen, unfortunately, in any of the opinion polls.

This latest Times Now survey, considered to be authentic to an extent must have indeed shocked the opposition Congress n it’s leaders, particularly former CM n highly enthusiastic chairman of the Uttarakhand election campaign committee Harish Rawat who is leaving no stone unturned to ensure Congress party’s landslide victory in the ensuing elections.

This latest survey seems to have turned the tables against Congress which had been thinking that the general change attitude and character of the electorates of Uttarakhand during the last two decades give credence to the trend of Congress coming to power in the state with strong anti incumbency factor against BJP also being talked about.

If the above surveys first of ABP C n now of Times Now Nav Bharat giving more than 40 to 48 seats to BJP n merely less than 20 seats to Congress including the chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhani now becoming the first choice of Uttarakhandies leaving Rawat behind securing 40.15% marks are to be believed than it is a clear cut indication that Modi’s two rallies in Dehradun and Haldwani have tremendously impacted the minds of the Uttarakhand electorates in which he inaugurated projects worth Rd 35.5 thousand crores followed by the whirlwind tours of BJP chief minister and declaration of various announcements etc.

It also indicates that Rahul Gandhi’s rally has not impacted so much as compared to PM Narendra Modi’s two rallies. There are also indications that CM Pushkar Singh Dhami’s tremendous mobility to campaign, announce various concessions, good behavior and curbing factionalism in the party are some of the important factors going in favour of BJP which has to a great extent neutralised the anti incumbency factor. In addition, the Congress vote cutting tendency of AAP has also resulted in benefitting BJP to an extent with people turning away from both these parties who are wedded towards appeasement of minority vote banks say analysts.

Moreover, the hindu wave and Ram Mandir phenomena is still an important factor that is being exploited by BJP in these elections going in its favour absolutely. Now Harish Rawat is trying his best to ensure that Party’s general secretary Priyanka Gandhi visits Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttarakhand to address Congress rallies fearing increasing impact of PM’s two massive rallies at Dehradun and Almora. He had posted a note in social media inciting Priyanka Gandhi to Uttarakhand identifying her as true symbol of Women Power.

According to senior journalist Hemendra Bartwal I think bjp will have less seats , but will form govt with majority; AAP will have many more seats and will be principal opposition party in legislature. Congress number three …. The Race is between Congress and AAP for number two position, basically. Division of anti-BJP votes between AAP and Congress will be a big advantage for ruling BJP that faces some degree of anti-incumbency sentiment in this election.

Speaking to one senior journalist holding specialisation in Uttarakhand politics covering this state for years together has abruptly belied, terming the ABP and Times Now surveys as fake n biased saying that anti incumbency factor, failed governance, Uttarakhand becoming a factory of changing CMs in BJP rule, increasing unemployment, prevailing corruption etc are some of the pivotal reasons why BJP is badly losing this election with Congress winning about 40 seats five to 7 to AAP and rest to BJP by all means. He termed these surveys as flop surveys just to misguide the electorates of Uttarakhand saying that maximum surveys in the past have been flop.

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  1. Sir,
    I don’t believe so called election cognoscente as they have their own axes to grind .All these surveys are devoid of statistical sampling and probability. In my opinion, there will be fractured mandate as an outcome of Uttarakhand polls. Congress is likely to lead but unlikely to reach magic figure for coronation. Because, AAP is all set to extract pound of flesh from none other than congress. BJP’s position will plummet down to second place as an act of changing CMs by BJP high command has sent out a message of despair among the electorates.
    Harish Rawat, on his own steam, couldn’t tilt the outcome in congress’s favour. Priyanka’s belated foray in Uttarakhand could undo the electoral damage from AAP

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