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After election of Sunak as UK PM, Shashi Tharoor asks can it happen in India – he being from a visible minority community in England. Jairam Ramesh rebuffs his own leaders!

The youngest prime minister in the political history of United Kingdom, 42 years old Rishi Sunak has indeed written history when the monarch of Britain Charles III met him in Buckingham Palace, appointed him as PM and congratulated him asking to form his new cabinet.

Delivering a long n impressive speech in front of 10 Downing Street, his official bungalow Sunak was greeted and clicked by thousands of admirers and umpteen number of photographers and journalists.

While pledging his countrymen to take them out of the ongoing economic morass extremely jubilant and confident Sunak said that the government, I lead will at no cost leave the incoming generation, your children and grand children with a debt to settle that we were so week to pay ourselves.

After his appointment by the king of England as the new prime minister of Britain after being supported by over 150 MPs of Conservative Party – Sunak straightaway drove to 10 Downing street to address the press and those present outside his official house in thousands, cheering him and waving in Jubilation as well.

The United States president Joe Biden too congratulated Rishi Sunak after becoming UK PM. He tweeted : Congratulations to Rishi Sunak on becoming Prime minister of United Kingdom. Together, I look forward to enhancing our cooperation on issues critical to global security and prosperity, including continuing our strong support for Ukraine tweeted US President. Yesterday prime minister of India Narendra Modi had congratulated him hoping to working closely together on global issues and implementing Roadmap 2030.

Meanwhile, while 42 year old Sunak has scripted history after being appointed as the Indian origin UK prime Minister, youngest in the last 210 years, a rare record in itself, in India two prominent Congress leaders one former finance minister P. Chidambram and another international diplomat turned three term MP n former union minister have appreciated Britain to have exhibited a rare example of appointing a representative of minority community to the top slot, questioning whether it is possible in their own country, the allegations strongly opposed by the ruling saffron party leaders viz Shiv Shankar Prasad, former union law minister and national spokesman Sambit Patra. Both the BJP leaders counted the names of several minority personalities becoming president n prime minister during Congress n BJP rules viz Dr. Zakir Hussain, Fakruddin Ali Ahmed, APJ Abdul Kalam, known as missile man. They also mentioned the names of Dr. Manmohan Singh as PM and Giani Zail Singh as President. All hailing from Sikh and Muslim minority community.

The BJP leaders even named Indira Gandhi, India’s former PM and Mrs Patil and Draupadi Murmu, the former n present Presidents being women and one from dalit community etc. The former finance minister P Chidambram in his tweet wrote : First Kamala Harris and now Rishi Sunak. The people of the US and UK have embraced the non majority citizens of their countries and elected them to high office in the government. I think there is a lesson to be learned by India and the parties that practise majoritarianism. As if this, wasn’t enough the former defeated presidential candidate and UN diplomat turned politician Shashi Tharoor tweeted on Sunak’s name appearing for UK PM yesterday : If this happens I think all of us will have to acknowledge that BRITS have done something very rare in the world, to place a member of a visible minority in the most powerful office. As, we Indians celebrate the ascent of Rishi Sunak lets honestly ask : CAN IT HAPPEN HERE tweeted Shashi Tharoor.

However, the chief of the Congress party’s communication department n general secretary Jairam Ramesh rebuffed his own party leaders both P. Chidambaram and Shashi Tharoor catagorically saying that India does not need to learn lessons from any foreign country referring to Britain as several presidents and chief Ministers have been made in the past.

The Jammu and Kashmir former CM and PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti Sayeed too lauded UK for making a PM of the minority community in England while criticizing the ruling political dispensation accusing it indirectly for being shackled by divisive n discriminatory laws.She tweeted : Proud moment that UK will have its first Indian origin PM. While all of India rightly celebrates, it would serve us well to remember that while UK has accepted an ethnic minority member as it’s PM, we are still shackled by divisive & discriminatory laws like NRC & CAA

The BJP leaders while countering Mufti’s statement said will Kashmir accept a minority community leader as CM there. This controversy has resulted in television debates inviting criticism n counter criticism by leaders of various ideologies.

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