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After a brutal death of a motorcyclist youth in Ramnagar, National Corbet road, a child killed by man eater at Dugadda

After a brutal death of a motorcyclist youth in Ramnagar, National Corbet road, a woman killed by man eater at Dugadda

Dreaded incidents of man eater kills in Uttarakhand are going unabated with the wild life and forest department officials looking helpless. Just two days ago, two youths of Uttar Pradesh while on their way back from the tour of Nainital and Almora on motor cycle were attacked by a man eater leopard with one of them dragged in the jungle and brutally killed in Corbett national highway. After several hours of intensive search a mutilated hand of the dead traveller was found with other body parts still untraceable. The minister of forests of Uttarakhand Subodh Uniyal has taken a serious view and deputed police guards of wild life and forest department to send a convoy with motor cyclists in national Corbett vicinity when then enter it.

Meanwhile, this morning another tragic incident occurred at Dugadda when a school going child’s mother was brutally killed by another man eater while she was returning back home from school. A teacher from Badi Godi village, Jageshwar Joshi reported about this tragic news. The family had reverse migrated to their village recently said Mr. Joshi. This tragic incident of the brutal kill of a 37 year old woman Rena Devi, wife of Manoj Choudhary after seeing of her child in the Dugadda intermediate school by a man eater occured in broad day light, sending shock waves around and residents in utter panic. Now, the forest department will fix iron cages and try to capture the man eater as usually happens but no permanent remedy is ever found say terrified resudents. Uttarakhand is a constant victim of human kills at the behest of man eaters who’ve now reached villages, on road heads and at human habitats near jungles, posing direct threat to human lives. Dugadda being the national Corbett territory is more risky for human lives as tigers, leopards are roaming freely in the National Corbett Park area of several kilometres Inhabitated by human beings in large numbers.

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  1. आखिर किस किस से बचे क्षेत्रवासी? वन्य जीवों से, या धवल वस्त्र सभ्य जीवों से या जंगल या खनन माफियाओं से, या मुंहबाये खड़ी मंहगाई से या भूमि अतिक्रमण से या प्रकृति के प्रकोप से, या फिर सरकारी तंत्र की उपेक्षा और अवहेलना से, या चरमराई मूलभूत समस्याओं से……?????
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