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Adani’s wealth enhanced by record percentage during 2021

Indian industrialist Gautam Adani who is currently being criticized by the agitating farmers as one of the main beneficiary of the three agricultural laws in case they are implemented in the near future, is one of the richest man of the world by way of enhancing his net worth from $ 16.2 billion to staggering $ 50 billion in just a year, during the pandemic times in 2021.

Hailing from Gujarat making fortunes during the last few decades, once travelling in a lambretta scooter about three decades ago Gautam Adani, today almost equalised with India’s top tycoon Mukesh Ambani by expanding his worldwide empire to unexpected heights of nail bitten progress.

Gautam Adani has once again surprised one and all by adding more billions to his wealth than anyone else in the world says the Bloomberg report.

Sounds interesting that while the country’s GDP has gone down considerably during the challenging pandemic times giving opportunity to anti BJP opposition criticize the government to the hilt, the net worth n wealth of Indian tycoon Gautam Adani rose tremendously high to 50 billion $ from mere 16.2 billion $ during 2021.

According to a report in HT quoting Bloomberg, the surge in wealth dwarfs, the 8.1 billion added by Adani’s compatriot and the richest person in Asia, Mukesh Ambani.

It also underscores the rising heft of the self made billionaire, who has lured investment from Total SA to Warburg Pincus says HT news report.

Never looking back after making huge strides in his business expansion, nationally and internationally, Adani has been desperately and rapidly going ahead in his ventures further expanding his conglomerate adding ports, airports, data centres and coalmines in India while dogedly procedding with controvertial Carmichael coal project in Australia opposed by various environmentalists last year. According to tge HT report : He has also signed a pact to develop I gigawatt of data centre capacity apart from his Total Gas Limited jumping 96% upwards this year while flagship Adani Enterprisis gaining by 90% says the Bloomberg news report.

In adition to this , Gautam Adani’s Transmission has enhanced its earning by 79% with Adani Power Ltd, Adani Ports and SEZs Ltd going up by 52%. The nail biting progress in Adani Green Energy which was already 500% profitable has further added profit of 12% says the HT report quoting Bloomberg.

Those inspired and encouraged by Adani’s revolutionery progress while lauding his progress termed his uprising as a phenomenal growth over the years apart, his career graph inspiring fellow industrialists n entrepreneurs. While immensely lauding his multidimensional economic progress in such a short span they pronounce him as a first generation entrepreneur. On the other hand there are some who rate his short term miraculous economic progress or meteoric rise as symbol of lettung the country turning entirely under capitalism which is dangerous for democracy, with peoples’ wisdom noticing it virtually. According to these people, political parties, media and national economy are being absolutely under control of a handful business houses.


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