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Accredited Journalist Association Felicitates two senior Journalists Umesh Joshi and Madhurendra Singh. Calls for Better Conditions and Protections for Journalists

New Delhi: April 16, 2023

The Accredited Journalist Association organized an award ceremony to felicitate two senior journalists Umesh Joshi and Madhurendra Sinha at the Press Club of India, New Delhi.

The Chief Guest of the event Sr. Journalist Ram Bahadur Rai, Guest of Honour Former Minister Yoganand Shastri, former MLA Ramakant Goswami, Senior Journalist and former Minister Delhi Government, Umakant Lakhera, President Press Club of India, President Vijay Shankar Chaturvedi etc graced the event.

Sr. Journalist Ram Bahadur Rai, President, Indira Gandhi National Center for Arts said, “Today religion and politics have come together which according to some is not a healthy trend for our society but he begs to differ on this notion as in his view there is nothing wrong in religion and politics going side by side. He catagorically stated that religion should not mean the Dharm of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christians etc but positive and ethical human values.

Therefore he said : Today not the journalists but the institutions have become weak. The condition of journalists in this country is grim. They are the torch bearers of change in the country but seems to be left out in the cut throat competition and the race of development. They have to talk it out with the media owners for their needs and other privileges.” Castigating the Press Council of India veteran journalist Ram Bahadur Rai said now this largest press body has become effect less and therefore needs to be changed. He urged for the establishment of a new press body called Media Council of India instead of the present Press Council of India.

He also congratulated veteran journalists Umesh Joshi and Madhurendra Sinha who were honored at the event.

Ram Bahadur Rai further said, “Both dedicated their life to journalism but never compromised with their ethics and values. Both have guided the society with new directions.”

Yoganand Shastri, former speaker of the Delhi Legislative Assembly, said, “Times have changed ever since modernity has come in journalism, but bad news has forced me to say a lot.”

Mr. Ramakant Goswami, senior journalist and former minister of Delhi Government said that journalists will have to play a pivotal role in keeping democracy safe.

Sr.Jounalist and columnist Vivek Shukla while heartily congratulating both the journalists for their felicitations expressed happiness that both these journalists Umesh Joshi and Madhurendra have made outstanding contribution in journalism through their hard work and intellectuality and deserved these prestigious awards thanking the accredited journalists Association for their nice choice.

Vijay Shankar Chaturvedi, President of the Accredited Journalists Association, conducted the stage and he said that the organization is proud to honor both the journalists, who are well devoted to their duties.

President Vijay Shankar Chaturvedi shared the objectives of the Accredited Journalists Association and urged the Government of India and the Chief Ministers of all the states to provide pension to the journalists. He also advocated free bus travel for journalists across the country, pensions to them, re-implementation of railway concession facilities etc. Apart from arranging free treatment in private and government hospitals across the country, Mr. Chaturvedi demanded other facilities too. He also demanded formation of a new credible media Council of India instead of the present Press Council”

Manoj Kumar Sharma, Director, PR Guru, said, “all the states have to come together to curb violent incidents against the journalists in the country. This is the need of the hour.” President of Uttarakhand, Journalists Forum Sunil Negi, read the citations of the guests and awarded journalists. A book authored by Dr. Journalist Madhurendra ji was released on this occasion.

Shri Kowdle Channappa proposed the Vote of Thanks.

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