ABP survey gives edge to BJP in Uttarakhand with Harish Rawat still the top choice of the electorates as CM

As the Uttarakhand elections are coming closer and closer the surveys of television news channels to enhance their TRP are also being conducted simultaneously with ABP being in the forefront coming out with its second opinion poll still giving the BJP an edge over the main opposition party Congress but its chief ministerial unofficial candidate Harish Rawat still taking the lead over the sitting Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Rawat, BJP leader, national media incharge and chief spokesman, Rajya Sabha MP Anil Baluni and AAP’s Ajay Kothiyal lagging behind.
Sounds interesting that while the Bhartiya Janata Party has still been given the upper hand in this present ABP survey as well, with Congress coming second, the chief minister’s choice is still of Congress nominee Harish Rawat.
According to the ABP’s current survey, the BJP has been shown as the winning party still against its immediate rival Congress with the saffron party tentatively getting 33 to 39 seats followed by Congress likely to get 29 to 35 assembly seats with the new political entrant AAP getting 1 to 3 seats n 0 to 1 seat by others which may include independent or UKD candidate though not specified clearly.
However, during the previous survey conducted a month ago the ABP had given 36 to 40 seats to BJP and 30 to 34 seats to Congress.
Similarly, in the survey of the chief minister’s first choice Harish Rawat had got 31% votes as the first choice which has enhanced to 33% with Pushkar Singh Dhami’s percentage coming down by one percent from 28% to 27% whereas the choice of Anil Baluni and Kothiyal remained static to 18 and 9% simultaneously.
This is important because after the first survey conducted a month ago there had been public meetings of prime minister Narendra Modi at Dehradun with massive gathering and declaration of various projects worth 18000 crores of rupees and union home minister accusing Harish Rawat of appeasement of minorities including the visit of national BJP chief J. P. Nadda at Chamoli and Uddham Singh Nagar in Garhwal and Kumaun Mandals.
The trio BJP, Congress and AAP are however extensively campaigning in Uttarakhand these days accusing each other tooth and nail trying to entice the electorates through their massive public meetings and contact yatras. Let’s see which way the political wind flows finally and whether the Modi charisma and Ram Temple construction plays its role as before.