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AAP’s CM candidate Ajay Kothiyal gets a job of guard after paying Rs 25000 as donation to an NGO

A case of alleged corruption is coming to the fore in Uttarakhand and the victim of this corruption is none other than the retired colonel of Indian Army and present AAP’s prospective CM candidate Ajay Kothiyal.

This shocking revelation had created quite a furore in the media as well as political corridors of Uttarakhand with the current government led by BJP on a tight spot as the charges with evidence seem to be quite relevant connected to the appointments of contractual security guards in the department of social welfare n women n child development, government of Uttarakhand led by none other but Rekha Arya as its minister.

Rekha Arya, minister of Women and child welfare, Uttarakhand has just a day ago registered her silent protest by writing a post in social media as well as a letter to chief secretary, Uttarakhand complaining about negligence in the “Chief minister’s Vatsalya” project benefitting the children of the underprivileged poor families as till date no government’s administrative order has been issued nor secretaries of other departments enforced the said scheme despite a decision formally taken in the meeting with the chief secretary S. S. sandhu and secretaries of all the departments of Uttarakhand.

But unfortunately, after the protest outside the Assembly secretariat on Tuesday by AAP leader Colonel Ajay Kothiyal with a serious complaint of alleged corruption in the employment of security guards in the department of women, child and social welfare, the minister seems to be in fix, who had denied any enquiry or investigation in the matter unless she receives a written complaint from the sufferers.

According to the latest news pouring in, the AAP’s prospective chief minister’s candidate as it’s face in the ensuing elections slated for 2022, Colonel Ajay Kothiyal had while distributing sweets at the Assembly gate revealed that he has been employed as a contractual guard after paying a donation of Rs 25000 to an NGO associated with the contractor responsible for employing contractual guards in the women, child and social department of Uttarakhand. He was carrying with him his licensed rifle and sweets. He was appointed on the monthly salary of Rs 8.500.

The startling revelation by Ajay Kothiyal raised everyone’s eyebrows with other security guards complaining of prevailing corruption in Uttarakhand in the appointment of guards under contracts who are allegedly compelled to pay Rs 25000 as illegal gratification to the firm in the form of donation of Rs 25000 to an NGO connected to the contracter responsible for these appointments.

The digital, print and electronics media came into action highlighting this organised corruption in the women, child and social welfare department of Uttarakhand allegedly bringing bad name to the ruling saffron party government.

According to Colonel Ajay Kothiyal after paying the said amount of Rs 25000 for getting employment as a security guard, after his clandestine tricky application for the post of a guard, a lucknow based ” A SQUARE outsourcing company that provides employment to the department unambiguously stated that he has been provisionally selected to the post of a guard in Champawat in Women, child and social welfare department.

After getting the relevant letter and all the necessary evidence about payment of Rs 25000 donation to an NGO allegedly associated with the company, AAP’s leader n prospective CM candidate Ajay Kothiyal went to protest at the gate of Uttarakhand Assembly secretariat n distributed sweets to the gatekeepers n security personal, expressing his happiness over his being appointed as contractual security guard at Champawat on paying a donation of Rs 25000 indirectly an illegal gratification. This was Kothiyal’s poly to expose this, massive appointment racket.

There are reports that the minister Rekha Arya also had an argument with the secretary of Women, child n social welfare department recently when he refused to hire a private firm for employing contractual guards in the department as the government already had the recruitment agency.

Meanwhile, this startling revelation has created quite a furore and sensitivity in the political corridors of Uttarakhand with the saffron party government having come on the backfoot. While this issue has created ripples of negativity for the ruling party the opposition parties are leaving no stone unturned to capitalise the situation to their political advantage.

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