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Delhi news

AAM ADMI PARTY to get 149 to 171 seats in MCD elections, predicts Axis My India opinion poll !

The AAM AADMI PARTY is getting a bumper majority in Delhi Municipal elections and the Bhartiya Janata Party seems to be quite behind with Congress reduced to in a minority position.

This has been exhibited by the ” Axis my India “, opinion polls.

According to it, while AAM Admi Party is securing victory on 149 to 171 seats, the Bhartiya Janata Party is winning on 40 seats with Congress getting maximum seven seats reduced to a party of nowhere which once ruled in Delhi for 15 long years and in corporation as well.

The AAP is getting 43 percent votes while BJP 35% n Congress merely 10% votes.

What is interesting to note here is that the BJP’s thirty four to 36 percent vote bank in Delhi is still intact despite the party losing at the hands of AAM Admi Party which seems to have reduced the Congress party to a negligible entity.

There had been 50.47 % voting in Delhi Municipal elections and from the last few days the political analysts had been predicting about the winning chances of AAP but BJP leaders are still highly optimistic about their victory.

However, the morale of Congress seems to be down since beginning with ticket seekers showing no interest even in asking for party tickets.

However, the opinion polls about Gujarat elections are giving the saffron party a clean sweep with Congress getting 40 seats and AAP merely 6 in the assembly of 182 lawmakers.

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