A young boy kills cousin with an iron road after she refuses his marriage proposal near Aurobindo College

A brutal murder took place in a park near Aurobindo college this afternoon in Malviya Nagar causing quite a panic in the surrounding localities. The murder by a young boy of his own cousin was a result of the former’s planning of three days after his cousin refused to marry him being his one sided love for her. The boy Irfan when refused by the girl ( cousin) to marry him as he was unemployed, the former in a fit of anger took out an iron rod from his bag in the park after calling her for a conversation and attacked brutally killing her on the spot. The victim was learning stenography from Malviya Nagar and had been the student of Kamla Nehru college , having passed her graduation. According to the deputy commissioner of police while the iron rod used by the culprit was recovered from the park, the crime was committed in a fit of anger after the girl refused the boy’s proposal to marry him. The boy who is her cousin namely Irfan was behind her for quite some time, but the girl didn’t like him and was rejected for his proposal. The girl’s name was Nargis and was the daughter of Irfan’s mother’s sister ( Mausi). The boy knew that after her stenography classes Nargis would pass by the park as usual and he waited for her. When he saw Nargis, Irfan stopped her saying that he would like to have a word with her. However, when she refused abruptly he took out the dagger from the bag and hit her repeatedly brutally killing her on the spot. According to police he later surrendered to the local police station and admitted about the crime. Kindly recall that yesterday a 42 year old woman was shot dead by her male friend in South West Delhi.as per the news reports after killing the woman the shooter killed himself too. The victim Renu Goyal was shot near her house by the 23 year old suspect Ashish , who after reaching his home killed himself too with the same pistol. According to the police they were knowing each other as they used to go to the same gym earlier. The police are investigating the case to find the exact cause of this double murder.