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A woman grievously injured by man eater at 8 PM in Chowbattakhal, Pauri Garhwal

The UKnationnews have been regularly writing on the unfortunate incidents of man eater attacks on human beings in various parts of Uttarakhand since long but unfortunately the predator attacks goes on unabated with lives of the inhabitants, especially women folks and children becoming vulnerable becoming imminent targets of the carnivores.

The state government just completes the formality of delivering a small financial compensation that too after lots of pursuance.

The point is how long will this threat of man eaters continue and what concrete steps initiated to counter these predators who have entered the human territory grievously injuring and killing human beings Incessantly with no relief in sight, except futile false assurances from local administration and lip service of condolences from leaders at the helm.

A week ago a woman namely Savitri Devi had been attacked by a man eater at Isoti village when she had gone to a nearby field.

The leopard had literally grabbed the woman by its dreaded jaws and was dragging her to the nearby bushes when this brave, though highly terrorised woman having no option, attacked it with her ” daraanti” Sickle.

The man eater had no option but to leave the terror stricken woman running inside the nearby jungle. The woman had received several deep jaw wounds on her hands n back, including shoulders, profusely bleeding.

On Saturday, today at 8.00 PM wife of Roop Chand of Ghastoli patty,Kimgadigad in Chowbattakhal, near Devrajkhal, Pauri Garhwal, was attacked by a man eater grievously injuring her.

The injured woman in pain with grievous deep wounds was hurriedly ferried to a local hospital for necessary treatment.

The details of the case are expected later on.

The furious villagers said that there is no government in Garhwal, Uttarakhand worried about the safety and security despite brutal incidents of man eater attacks and killings going on unabated with the forest n wild life department literally doing nothing. Chowbattakhal is represented by Uttarakhand’s Tourism minister Satpal Maharaj.

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  1. कब तक जंगली जानवरों से मानव की हत्या होती रहेगी। क्यों सरकार, समस्या को हल करने के कोई ठोस कदम उठाने में हिचकिचा रही है

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