A WAKE UP CALL : Nirbhaya of Najafgarh case

After the formation of the Committee of advocates in a Delhi meeting at GARHWAL Bhawan regarding filing of a credible review petition in Supreme Court assisting the advocate from the government’s side pursuing late Kiran Negi’s case till the acquittal of convicts, now the entire responsibility lies on the shoulders of the new committee headed by the efficient advocate and Secretary of Delhi High Court Bar Association Sandeep Sharma.
The extremely anxious people of Uttarakhand are looking towards him and his entire team of advocates with high hopes.
However, senior experienced criminal lawyer V K. Menon has also come out in one of the TV debates offering his free legal services in filing of the review petition in the apex court n fighting the case till the last.
Several other lawyers have also expressed their wholehearted desire to render their free legal services in case they are entertained or given an opportunity to do so.
The case being so trivial and the hardened convicts acquitted by the three judge bench of Supreme Court giving the excuse of patchy investigations by the investigative agency Delhi Police, the case seems to have become very very weak with apprehensions of a wrong legal precedence to be set up for the future thus giving free hand to hardened criminals who may walk free citing this supreme Court ruling say some senior advocates.
Therefore, the dire need of the present time is to do no politics on this issue and whole heartedly welcome senior criminal lawyers who intend to help us file the review petition in Supreme Court at the earliest failing which the hopes of millions n millions of Uttarakhandies and countrymen will be dashed n shattered forever.
The building up of social pressure by the social organisations demanding death to the culprits of Family of Najafgarh through peaceful protests hold little meaning though is an important step too, but the entire onus seeking justice for late Kiran Negi lies on our advocates who’d been enshrined the primary and basic responsibility to confront this himalayan challenge and file review petition with the ernest hope to get due justice for our 19 year old innocent daughter Kiran Negi who was brutally killed on 9 th February in Rodhai village precincts in Haryana by these human beasts who gang raped her obnoxiously, poured acids in her eyes n ears, thrashed her with car tools and finally inserted a broken bottle in her private parts, inflicting several grievous injuries on her body before her tortuous painful death.
Anguished people of Uttarakhand and the entire nation have still not come to terms with the honourable supreme Court judgement acquitting the three human beasts who were sentenced to capital punishment by the Dwarka lower sessions Court and upheld by high court later on.
The entire fraternity of lawyers, those believing in justice to late Kiran Negi and her traumatic poor family and lakhs n lakhs of Uttarakhandies n countrymen are eagerly looking forward towards these legal luminaries with the optimism that their honest hard work will bring fruitful results in the near future to set a wonderful precedent in the country that these human beasts of innocent Kiran Negi will not be left free bringing them to the gallows at the earliest.
According to a social activist social activist T. S. Bhandari It is desired, to ensure a strong & collective Review Petition Mr Sandeep Sharma may take the opinions of other prominent advocates of the Uttarakhand origin .
President, Uttarakhand Journalists Forum