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A village woman brutally killed by a Maneater in Jakholi block, Rudraprayag, Garhwal, Uttarakhand

An extremely sad news is coming from Rudraprayag Garhwal, Uttarakhand regarding a Suman having been succumbed to grievous injuries after a dreaded Maneater leopard pounced on her leaving her mutilated dead body behind. According to a the latest news a woman who was cutting grass in a field in Devgaon of Jakholi block of Rudraprayag district was attacked and brutally killed by a Maneater , Guldaar. The hungry Guldar caught the woman by his jaws and dragged her to five fields with an uncontrollable speed. After hearing the cries of the terrified woman in his jaws the villagers reached the spot, and created tremendous noise. The Maneater leopard ran away leaving the highly mutilated dead body profusely bleeding behind. The forest department and local police arrived at the spot and sent the highly mutilated dead body for necessary postmortem. The state government accords Rs. Six lakhs as financial compensation to the family of the deceased.

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