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Delhi news

A smiling face, the longest serving woman CM of Delhi who took the capital to new developmental heights – Shiela Dikshit !

Today is the third death anniversary of a, towering Congress leader, CM of Delhi for fifteen long years, a longest serving woman CM since 1998. She was also minister at the centre having served with former PMs Indira and, Rajiv Gandhi in close proximity as, well. She in her capacity as the Congress president of Delhi before 1998 organised the party in Delhi so strongly n cohesively that the traditional BJP stronghold was shattered for ever and till date the saffron party could not claim its its hold in the national capita politics since 98. Former Delhi CM Shiela, Dikshit, wife of a veteran IAS was a leader of immense organisational skills, a soft spoken orator, connecting with people, party workers, leaders and bureaucrats with immense ease and comfort constantly, keeping everyone in good humour including her subordinate ministers. Her outstanding contribution to Delhi’s overall infrastructural development in terms of bringing maximum flyovers, widened roads, cleanliness, improving health n civil supply system, wide network of metro rail by getting all clearances speedily and establishing tremendous PR with the then central government oof her own party due to her personel good rapport with its leaders etc made Delhi what it is today, leaving no or very little scope for further infrastructural development. A development chief minister who dedicated herself 24×7 to the development of Delhi bringing resident welfare associations to the government’s doorstep through successful Bhagidari scheme holding monthly get togethers ensuring the fullest participation of RWAs in the decentralised development of Delhi, Shiela Dikshit, till she was alive had won the hearts of Delhites as a mother politician being friendly and cooperative with everyone. She is also credited for commencing the process of regularising the resettlement n unauthorised colonies in Delhi thus earning the place in the hearts of the poor n lower middle class populace of Delhi. Even, the leader of the opposition, lion of Delhi BJP stalwart Madan Lal Khurana respected her the most as her sister. Today Shiela Dikshit is no more but she will be remembered for organising outstanding Common Wealth Games in Delhi, giving Delhi a new developmental shape of 21 st century, bringing a wide network of metrorail to the national capital, introducing Bhagidari scheme ensuring people’s participation in the decentralised developmental proces and making ministers n bureaucrats work round the clock for the overall reshaping of the national capital with infrastructural development. She was known as a working machine whose primary aim was to keep Delhi progressing. A down to earth, good n transparent woman politician Shiela Dikshit will always remain alive in the hearts of Delhites, especially the people of the lowest ebb forever. My heartfelt tributes.

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