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A nine year old girl dragged from a house compound to bushes, 30 metres away by a maneater. Her Mutilated body found by panicked villagers after 3 hours of extensive search in Tehri Garhwal

The dreaded incidents of maneater attacks in Garhwal Uttarakhand have almost become the order of the day with several incidents taking place in villages, local townships and even near houses on roadside with women and children becoming their easy prey.

In the recent past in almost all the districts of Garhwal Mandal whether Tehri or Pauri, human kills at the behest of maneaters have become a common feature with forest and wild life department officials literally doing nothing to ensure the safety of the human lives by capturing the maneaters in cages or tranquilizing them especially in areas where they are on maximum prowl for human flesh.

During the last few months several children and even women were lifted by the maneaters from house compounds , from agricultural fields and near jungles or farmlands where women go for arranging fodder for their domestic animals, this being their daily routine.

On Monday/ Tuesday at four in the evening a highly mutilated dead body of an innocent nine year old girl was found about thirty metres away from her house in Bhaud Village in Ghanshyali Tehri Garhwal.

According to the news report a nine year old girl was playing in her house compound at Bhaud village in Ghanshyali at around 3.30 PM when all of a sudden a maneater pounced on her and dragged the girl about thirty metres away in the bushes and made her its prey.

The highly mutilated dead body of the girl was found by the villagers and her family members after an extensive search for three hours.

There is panic all around the village and the surrounding areas as the villagers are now keeping their children indoors and are apprehensive of future maneater attacks on the women, children especially the school going children.

According to sources a nine year old daughter of Rukam Singh of Bhaud village had returned home from her school and was playing in the house compound at around 4.00 PM. Her three brothers n sisters wee inside the house .

Her mother had gone to the Shiva Temple to pay her obeisance. When she returned back the search started for the missing daughter and after the extensive search for three hours the villagers and the family found the badly mutilated body of the nine year old girl in bushes about thirty metres away from the house. The dead body was send for vicera/ postmortem etc by the police and will be returned back for last rites to the parents after the necessary medical inquest is completed.

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