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While the relief and rehabilitation works and protest dharna by the affected populace of holy town in the Garhwal himalayas are in full swing with about one thousand houses already developed cracks and the holy town sinking, today at 10.00 o clock morning a new source of muddy water in excessive speed coming out of the base of main Joshimath Bazaar was detected posing more threat to the township. Lots of people have reached the spot and found that this new muddy water source coming out with speed is the accumulated water not the natural spring coming from the higher level. There are hundreds of cemented houses built at Joshimath Bazaar and this new source has led to the conclusion, that there is tremendous accumulation of water inside the land at Joshimath st various levels posing immense threat to the population living over the land that’s sinking gradually. According to the post along with the video posed in social media by the leader of Joshimath Bachao Sangharsh Samittee Atul Joshi : At Joshimath Bazaar downstream today exactly at ten o clock morning a new source of muddy water blew out . This, water too was muddy like the one of 23 rd January. There are rocks, around this new water source obviously meaning that it will lead to these rocks getting loose n coming down. This is also an old landslide area. Incessant water flow that’s oozing out with speed means that the Rocky Mountains will definitely be displaced. If this happens then hundreds of houses, shops n population will be adversely affected, even leading to loss of lives and properties. This may also result in the Badrinath Highway being badly and adversely effected. There is an urgent need to take immediate corrective measures. Thereafter there was a news that it was the water leaked from water pipelines and the oozing water stopped at one o clock. Though the Mall Santhan officials, said that this was the water of the leaked pipes but keeping in view the ongoing subsidence of Joshimath township water leaking or oozing out from mountains obviously leads to such assumptions said Atul Sati.

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