Producer, Director of first Garhwali film JAGWAL, Parashar Gaur turns 75 today ! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday Parashar Gaurji, the Dada Saheb Phalke of Uttarakhand, for producing n directing the first Garhwali film JAGWAL. It is indeed a history. A noted regional poet and script writer Parashar Gaur the then manager of Constitution club New Delhi, before and after 1983, the year of release of first Garhwali film Jagwal, till he left the job and headed for Toronto, Canada is lauded for this outstanding challenging leap in first Garhwali film making, then an unusual, unique and outstanding task rather unbelievable. Arranging such a huge finance, camera team, film equipments of high quality, actors and locations during those days was not an easy task.

But the producer and director of this film managed everything from script to equipments to locations n actors including music and technical fulfillments in Mumbai studios. The multi coloured big screen film which was a dream come true then, was finally released in Delhi’s Mavlankar Hall on 4 th May, 1983 with the auditorium going house full for several days and the actors themselves making seat arrangements for the audience holding torch in their hands n distributing tickets etc.

The audience were extremely excited watching for the first time their film in regional Garhwali dialect n melodious songs with attractive music, making the artists acclaimed stars. The first ever heroine Kusum Bisht and hero Ramesh Mandolia n comedian Dinesh Kothiyal were the star attractions of the film with ” Satpuli Ka Saina Teri Bau Surila ” song’s mesmerising picturisation impressing one and all with credit going to its popular singer Satendra Parendia who also acted on this song in the movie. Vinod and Puran Bolodi also acted in this film. Puran Bolodi today is 80 years old while we’ve lost Ramesh Mandolia and Dinesh Kothiyal too early. Our heartfelt tributes. A family melodrama Jagwal, meaning long wait set all outstanding records in then undivided Uttarakhand being the first ever Silver big screen multi colour film and Pareshar Gaur scripting his name in Uttarakhand’s history as its first producer n director. Wishing him ” Good, Luck “, on his 75 th birthday. Living in Canada for the last four decades Parashar Gaur visits his native village Mirchora in Patti Aswalsiun, Pauri Garhwal every year and is deeply connected to his ancestral roots, tradition n culture. He is also a renowned Garhwali Poet n has scripted several Garhwali plays as well.
Happy birthday Sir. Best wishes