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A fruitful meeting between Russian secretary security Council and NSA Ajit Doval

After the formation of the caretaker government of 33 member council of ministers in the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan under the supreme leadership of Taliban’s reclusive chief Hebatullah Akhundzada, majority of them Taliban loyalists backed by Pakistan, the Russian secretary of it’s national security Council Nikolay Petrushev and Indian National security advisor Ajit Doval met in New Delhi and deliberated in depth about their fears of Afghanistan likely to re emerge as a fresh breeding ground for dreaded global terrorists like Al Qaeda, Lashkare Taiyyeba, Jaishe Mohammed and Islamic Movement of Uzbegistan, currently proactive in Afghanistan, considered to be associated with Al Qaeda.

Both the security heads of Russia and India were worried about the Taliban government working as the proxy of Pakistan and the global terrorist organisations as above, posing direct threat to Central Asia in general and India in particular.

Even the United States of America that has left Afghanistan after two decades of their presence in war torn Pakistan has expressed their serious concern over the inclusion of dreaded terrorists who are on the hit list of America naming, the interior minister of Afghanistan Sirazuddin Haqqani, a Pakistan protege carrying on his head a reward of Rs. 10 million dollars for his arrest, a designated global terrorist associated with Al Qaeda, blacklisted by US.

Similarly, Mulla Abdul Haq Waseek, Afghan acting intelligence chief was once a prisoner in United States jail in Guantonamo Bay followed by Mullah Yaqoob, newly appointed defence minister who is in America’s sanctions list. United States of America has during its twenty years of stat in Afghanistan fighting Talibans and it’s allied terrorists has spent over 2.5 lakh crores of Rupees including financing the Non Taliban government. It had lost about 2.5 thousand soldiers n officers of US Army during their stay in war torn Afghanistan. Millions of Afghanistan civilians n fighters including soldiers have lost their lives with lakhs grievously injured during the last four decades since the Russians entered Afghanistan in 1980 leaving it in 1989 with cruel n primitive conservative n fundamentalist Taliban ruling here from 1996 to 2001 before the American troops entered Afghanistan to gun down Al Qaeda dreaded terrorist chief Osama Bin Laden after 9/11.

Apart from the visit of Russian secretary of Security council Petroshev who also met PM Narendra Modi, after deliberating with NSA Doval, two spy chiefs of United States and Britain visited New Delhi during last week and held bilateral parleys on Afghanistan situation after Taliban’s full control of the country.

Richard Moore, the chief of the United Kingdom Secret Intelligence service known as M16 and and CIA director William Burns separately met the Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval secretly, during the last week as India is the main stakeholder on the issue.

The main concern of these countries is that, after the emergence of Taliban in Afghanistan, the neighbouring Pakistan fully backing the new regime with ISI playing its major notorious role in the government formation, there are possibilities of Afghanistan being used as the global terrorists breeding ground, targetting India as well as several countries of Central Asia clandestinely Infiltrating there under the guise of NGO activists, spreading Islam n then carrying out it’s subversive activities. etc.

Kindly recall that at Panjshir there were reports of several Pakistani soldiers joining the Talibans to fight the Northern Alliance backed National Resistance Front. Turkey and Pakistan are two notorious countries who are likely to use Afghanistan to use it for their global and anti India subversive activities by financing Al Queda, Lashkare Taiyyeba n Jaishe Mohammed terrorist organizations including the most dreaded Al Qaeda’s associate Islamic Movement of Uzbegistan already active in Afghanistan currently.

Not only this but these two nations will also infiltrate their terrorists as NGO activists to other countries of Central Asia to carry on their subversive activities reveal some news reports. Both Petroshev and Ajit Doval discussed at length ways and means to control this future activities of these dreaded terror organisations in Afghanistan posing direct threat to India n some Central Asian countries.

Meanwhile Russia and India has also commenced it bilateral talks to further them with Central Asian countries in order to strengthen bilateral relations on various fronts.

Kindly recall that the meeting between Petroshev and Ajit Doval was the result of prime minister Narendra Modi’s fruitful telephonic talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin the other day.

Feature pic : India Today

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