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A doctor in Rikhnikhal hospital fixes a cardboard plaster after a girl’s hand was injured / fractured

We have been incessantly hearing about the sorry state of affairs in the health sector of Uttarakhand where not only majority of the govt hospitals, health centres, dispensaries are in bad shape with non availability of doctors, xray n ultrasound machines, medicines and other equipments but doctors in majority of hospitals in districts n townships not to speak of those deputed in interior health centres are busy running their private clinics rather than serving the patients of the hills.

There had been umpteen complaints about the pregnant women delivering babies on the roads due to lack of ambulances and women dying while delivering etc.

In interior villages there are literally no health centres or maternity homes even after block levels with district hospitals too considering rural patients non seriously.

The lists of grievances are infinite. In a latest case that compels us hang our heads in shame is that a school girl having fractured her hand in Rikhnikhal block have been plastered temporarily with a cardboard instead of plastering her hand with plaster of Paris, as done in hospitals.

According to the employee of Rikhnikhal hospital the doctor concerned Dr Dhan Sungh. was compelled to do so because the X Ray machine lying here is inoperative for the last two years in the absence of a X Ray technician.

By now the xray machine must have caught rust for not being used for the last two years.

In the absence of equipments and necessary treatment in local government hospitals the doctors are treating the patients with the available limited resources serving no concrete medical purpose of the patients.

In this case of a school girl having allegedly fractured her hand was just bandaged and a cardboard box fixed to it to give her injured hand support. The doctor in question is Dr Dhan Singh of Rikhnikhal government hospital.

Sounds ridiculous that patients with such serious injuries are treated so lightly in the interiors of Uttarakhand.

This unambiguously speaks of the deteriorating health sector of Uttarakhand with government making tall claims of allocating maximum budget to health sector.

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