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A corpse of a person not identified till yet has been found inside the SFT tunnel in Tapovan, Joshimath, district Chamoli. The dead body of an unknown person wasn’t having the head ( upper portion above shoulder) and left hand and leg were also missing. The dead body found 590 metres ahead of the entry of the tunnel deep inside was reportedly found by the persons engaged in clearing of the silt inside the SFT tunnel. The dead person with decapitated head and missing left hand and leg was wearing a black trouser and black jacket in badly torn condition. The dead body has been sent for post mortem and DNA tests etc under strict police monitoring. This information was posted in Facebook post by Atul Sati in Hindi. According to his post on 22 November, 2022 an employee of Tapovan based company namely Sushil Kumar has informed the police station via phone that a human dead body was found in the SFT tunnel probably due to the the Rainy disaster. On receiving the information the police personnel were sent to the spot for necessary action. On reaching the entrance of the tunnel the police party was told by the silt clearing staff inside the tunnel that this dead body fully entrenched in silt was found 290 metres ahead of the tunnel inside while they were engaged in clearing the silt etc. The dead body does not have the head and left hand and legs are also missing. The person ( dead body) was wearing a black shirt and black badly torn, damaged cloth jacket. Efforts were made to recognise the dead body but all in vain. The police has sent the body for post mortem and DNA tests etc. The social activist Atul Sati revealed that three days ago an aggrieved woman having lost her husband in Reiny disaster while narrating her plight said that she has not received a single pie in the name of insurance. Those who’d lost their lives and the lives of their near and dear ones haven’t received anything as insurance from the hydro power company except some help from government. Therefore the people displaced in this tragedy due to the ecological disaster are suffering till date with no one coming to their rescue. According to Sati they have pursued the matter in the high court and got the compensation ( Jurmaana). They further went to Supreme Court but nothing happened till date. The people are hapless and in immense plight said Sati.

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