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A car with four occupants fell in a river, with all missing, extensive search on near Kaudiyala in Rishikesh Badrinath highway!

A very shocking, heart wrenching and traumatic news is coming from Uttarakhand regarding possible deaths of four persons still missing after the car they were travelling in fell into a high tide river with no whereabouts of even the car not to speak about its occupants. This tragedy occured on Wednesday early morning at 5.30 AM near Kaudiyala , Rishikesh on Badrinath highway in Garhwal, Uttarakhand. In Uttarakhand due to massive rainfall there have been several traumatic accidents of vehicles either after heavy rocks n boulders fell on running vehicles, through landslides, gushing rivers or deluge as happened in Amarnath as well, where fifteen people died n several injured due to flash floods after cloud bursts. Just three days ago in Dhela, river near R Nagar similarly a vehicle fell into a gushing river claiming several lives of tourists. According to the latest news coming in a car with number UP 15 AD, 2158 met with an accident early morning today when in got trapped in the gushing river with no clue of either the car or its four occupants. The SDRF deep diving team swimmers, water police n the local police are on the job to rescue the victims but they have found some articles and bags on the accidental spot. On local shopkeeper n some other eye witnesses are reported to have confirmed about this tragic accident. It may be recalled that not a single day is passed without reporting the accidental casualties in hilly regions of the country especially Uttarakhand n Himachal Pradesh. We pray that all the accidental victims are rescued safely.

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