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Delhi news

A British Teacher’s Workshop at St Stephens Cambridge School

New Delhi- Imagine having teachers from the UK teach your kids at school in India. This is what happened for a few days at St. Stephens Cambridge School, located on the Delhi-Sonipat border. Two teachers from the UK- Megan and Lily- spent time with the children in the junior classes and taught them English, Maths and other subjects. It was a memorable experience for both Megan and Lily. Megan said that the children at St. Stephens Cambridge School were very smart and had a strong desire to learn.

The credit for organizing Megan and Lily’s classes at St Stephens Cambridge School goes to Brother Solomon George, an educator associated with the Delhi Brotherhood Society (DBS). He has been involved with the school since its inception. Brother George says that they want to teach in a way that makes learning enjoyable for the kids. They don’t want children to shy away from coming to school.

Megan and Lily stated that they tell the senior class students that they can listen to soft music to maintain their enthusiasm while reading books. For some, classical music helps to calm and inspire. Some kids may prefer to watch a fun video game while taking a break from studies.

The Delhi Brotherhood Society (DBS) which founded St Stephens College in Delhi also runs St Stephens Cambridge School.

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