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Delhi news

Chairperson of UCC committee Retired Justice Ranjana Desai highly optimistic of UCC of Uttarakhand being implemented but not sure of any date as to when will it be implemented.

The retired justice and chairperson of Uniform Civil Code Committee of Uttarakhand while addressing the audience and media at Constitution Club of India in New Delhi on Wednesday said that the government of Uttarakhand is doing its best to honour the verdict of Supreme Court for formulation of a credible Uniform Civil Code by way of ensuring that a strong and secular UCC is formed in the state of Uttarakhand to maintain gender equity and also ensuring full justice to the hapless, women, mentally and physically retarded people as well as the general masses irrespective of ideological affiliations.

Addressing the event organised by the UCC committee at Constitution Club of India on Wednesday to elicit views of the common public from the cross section of the society on UCC to be enacted in Uttarakhand retired justice Ranjana Desai said that honouring the directive of Supreme Court for enactment of UCC in its judgements, we are trying to bring out a strong and credible UCC in Uttarakhand that will guarantee justice to women, children, gender equality and justice to the disabled of Uttarakhand.

We want to ensure that this UCC is acceptable to people of all religions and faith and if this draft is duly accepted it will strengthen the secular fabric of the country said Justice ( Rtd) Ranjana Desai in her address.

She emphatically added that we are very much sure and highly optimistic that we will achieve this target said retired justice and chairperson of UCC Ranjana Desai.

Once the UCC is implemented we will be able to fight the inequality existing in all religions and faiths including resolving inequalities pertaining to religious practices, economic and social inequality.

Dr. Ranjana Desai added that we want to ensure that inequality in all faiths, religion and classes are given up and justice accorded to them through UCC. Secondly in the context of marriage, divorce , guardianship, custody and succession we are going to leave it to them and if acceptable they will be resolved through the UCC. She confidently added : We are extremely happy that we have interacted with cross section of the people, representatives of various political parties, traders and organisations and are happy to disclose that we have acknowledged an overwhelming support from them. I think that we have succeeded in our mission said jubilant chairperson of UCC committee of Uttarakhand retired Justice Ranjana Desai.

On being asked as to when this UCC draft will be submitted to Uttarakhand government and become a law to implement, justice Ranjana Desai said that we will submit the draft shortly but could not give the exact date and time for the implementation of this act.

She however said that after receiving overwhelming support from cross section of the people and acknowledging over two to three lakh suggestions on UCC the committee is highly optimistic of its due implementation in the near future though she catagorically said that while the new UCC will help resolve communal tensions in the state it had no role to play in the massive entry of outsiders in the state supposedly disturbing and degrading the demography of the Himalayan state as being given to understand from various news reports.

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