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Dedicated activist n Uttarakhand movement leader Jagmohan Singh Rawat is no more. Breathes his last on 9 th November, Uttarakhand Foundation Day. Heartfelt tributes

I am really shocked to hear the sad news about the demise of the dedicated Uttarakhand activist and a committed struggler on issues of farmers and in the movements of Megha Patkar, as well, having been jailed several times.

During these days when everyone is busy in the materialistic world going after the lust for money and wealth I saw Jagmohan Singh Rawat leading an extremely modest life style, not at all bothered for any comfort or luxurious life but fully committed to the cause of Uttarakhand after dedicating his entire life in Uttarakhand movement, leaving job and gambling his entire life for people’s cause.

I met him several times and always found him to be simplistic and in scarcity but his commitment to social causes especially Uttarakhand were unwavering.

Sometimes, when I met him, I could easily judge the sufferings he was undergoing through in view of his shattered financial status but he always stood like a determined soldier and activist for social causes, completely undeterred for the principles and struggle he stood for.

An extremely courteous, modest and affable natured person, dedicated Uttarakhand activist Jagmohan Singh Rawat’s entire life was the symbol of relentless struggle on all fronts who never gave up till the last, with his contribution to Uttarakhand movement being unparalleled.

He lost courage after his wife who gave Jagmohan all support during his entire struggle period looking after the family and raising them despite all odds, left for her heavenly abode.

This must have been indeed a heart wrenching tragedy for Uttarakhand activist Jagmohan bhai who looked after his children well while living in a rented accommodation in Munirka village, in South Delhi, especially during two years of most challenging Covid times.

I was shocked n felt like being in a traumatic state when I heard about his death in a function of Uttarakhand Foundation Day on 9 th November. And see the coincidence, the Almighty took him away to give him solace at his pious feet on 22 nd foundation day anniversary day of Uttarakhand for which late Rawat has dedicated his entire life. RIP, Om Shanti. My deepest condolences and heartfelt tributes.

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One Comment

  1. The sudden demise of Mr Jagmohan Singh Rawat, a dedicated activist and the Uttrakhand movement leader on 9th Nov 2021 is very sad.

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