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Thirteen die n two grievously injured when an overloaded bolero falls in deep gorge at Chakrata, Dehradun, byala Pinguva road

Entire Uttarakhand is, shocked to learn about the tragic accident at Chakrata – Dehradun in which thirteen people have died today morning with the chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami expressing his deepest condolences on this drastic tragedy.

According to the latest news pouring in the chief minister has immediately ordered a magisterial enquiry into this tragedy with adequate financial compensation to the bereaved families of the dead. Two persons have been grievously injured with their treatment continuing in a Doon hospital.

According tk the news reports a Bolero over packed fell into a 400 meters deep down gorge while ferrying passengers after going out of control about 200 metres ahead of Chakrata in Dehradun district on Bayla Pinguva road killing thirteen passengers with two grievously injured.

After learning about the tragedy the locals were the first to arrive on the scene going downwards unto the gorge to retrieve the dead bodies as well as two grievously injured co passengers, finally admitting them to Dun Hospital.

The NDRF, police personal and the locals actively rescued two injured n retrieved the dead bodies sending shocked waves around. The chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has ordered a magisterial enquiry with assurances to the bereaved families of all possible help including adequate financial compensation. He has also issued orders to keep check on overloading of luggage and passengers and punish those found guilty. Accidents are common phenomena in Uttarakhand but this accident is the worst one with thirteen deaf bodies recovered from the gorge. Our prayers for those died to give them peace and solace at the feet of Almighty.

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One Comment

  1. Very very sad news . Why so much carelessness and carefree attitude inspite of all the known dangers ?May the departed souls get sadgati

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