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Congress president Sonia Gandhi calls all Congress leaders to Delhi to sort out their differences n devise strategy for UK elections

The Congress president Sonia Gandhi has summoned all the Congress factions’ leaders to Delhi on 26 th October to not only sort out the increasing factionalism and internal squabbles amongst the Congress leaders in Uttarakhand but also to plan a consolidated strategy to ensure Congress party’s straight victory in the ensuing assembly elections. According to reliable sources the Congress high command is very well aware of the increasing internal squabbles in the Congress party in Uttarakhand and it is believed that former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat who is in close proximity to Sonia, Priyanka and Rahul Gandhi jas already given the feed back in this regard to them.

This meeting with Sonia and Rahul Gandhi is believed to have been convened in order to instruct all the state Congress leaders to fall in line and stay United to fight the ruling BJP strongly and decisively in order to form the Congress government in Uttarakhand by all means and follow the command of Harish Rawat. It may be recalled that veteran Congress leader, member CWC and chairman of the state campaign committee Harish Rawat had recently been relieved of the post of general secretary of AICC with the charge of Punjab ostensibly to see him working hard in Uttarakhand elections. It the sources are to be believed he has been given the clear cut green signal to prepare himself to be the next CM of Uttarakhand.

Today Uttarakhand Congress had three clear cut groups who work differently and criticize each other though being within the parameters of Congress party answerable to Congress high command. The three groups are of former Congress CM of the state Harish Rawat, another led by the leader of the opposition Pritam Singh and third by former UK president Kishore Upadhyay. These three leaders operate separately and could not see each other eye to eye. For instance apart for the verbal difference of opinions and accusations against each other though diplomatically during the ongoing natural calamities in Uttarakhand all these three Congress leaders visited the calamity hit areas separately unambiguously giving an impression of the ongoing conflict among themselves.

The Congress high command is worried that the increasing factionalism in the party may cost Congress adversely in the ensuing state elections if the ongoing feud withing Uttarakhand Congress is not nipped in the bud. Meanwhile, addressing the media Uttarakhand Congress president Ganesh Godiyal has said that several BJP leaders n lawmakers are eager and desperate to join Congress but the Congress will not let the interest of its hard core committed workers suffer at the cost of the defectors, interested to join them. The chairman of the Uttarakhand Congress election committee is drawing large crowds in his mass contact programmes in various parts of Uttarakhand. Today he was in Haridwar and hundreds of Congress activists raised pro Congress slogans and Harish Rawat was presented a picture of former PM Rajiv Gandhi and Lord Hanuman Gadha by local Congress leaders.

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