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Harish Rawat expresses his desire to be relieved of Punjab responsibility to fully dedicate himself in Uttarakhand elections

The former chief minister of Uttarakhand who is the national general secretary incharge as well as member CWC, wants to immediately get rid of the responsibility of Punjab, as he is not able to devote himself in Uttarakhand fully. Though elections are to be held in Punjab as well as Uttarakhand next year in the initial months but Rawat has priorities for his state and is anxiously eyeing on the chief minister’s post in Uttarakhand being the senior most veteran leader as well as having been successful in sidelining all his detractors from 2016 till date from Satpal Maharaj, Vijay Bahuguna, Dr. Harak Singh Rawat and finally Pritam Singh Rawat, the former state president in whose place his protege Srinagar, Garhwal MLA Ganesh Godiyal has been nominated with Harish Rawat himself becoming the chief of Uttarakhand Congress election campaign committee. Moreover, Rawat is trying his level best to keep the old Congress rebels who are now in BJP but are trying hard to join Congress to keep them at bay, by hook or by crook. Extremely busy in Punjab Congress affairs in addition to Uttarakhand politics, Harish Rawat is now in no mood to continue as the Punjab Congress incharge particularly in view of the state elections round the corner and the Punjab crisis not subsiding despite his best efforts. Harish Rawat today met Rahul Gandhi and put forward his request to relieve him of Punjab responsibility said the Congress leader through his Facebook n Twitter post. Seventy three year old former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat has presently legs in two boats one of Uttarakhand n another Punjab and in both the states his responsibility and role is extremely crucial. But he can concentrate at one place, the reason being he has become old and facing much challenge in Uttarakhand Congress from within his own party and apprehension of his old rebels now in BJP interested to join Congress but he want to keep them af bay at all costs. As per his social media post posted on Twitter as well, veteran Congress leader Harish Rawat wrote in Hindi as usual with an intro tweet : Today I came above of a great hesitation or confusion. On the one hand I am duty bound for my birthland, Janambhumi , on the other hand I have to serve my “Karambhoomi”, ( workland). The situation is becoming more complex and difficult as I will have to devote my time in both the states as elections are approaching near. Rawat added that yesterday I want to visit several areas of Uttarakhand to part with the grief and wipe the tears of the bereaved families who’d lost their near and dear ones in the natural calamities due to deluge n heavy rain but I couldn’t make it as I was dedicated towards my duty in Punjab as well. If I will be able to do justice with my motherland ( birthplace) then only I will be able to serve my Karambhoomi wrote Rawat. I am extremely grateful to the people of Punjab and Punjab Congress for always showering their affection, blessings and moral support towards me. I am emotionally attached to the land of Guru Nanakdev, Guru Govind Singh ji, Saints and seers. I have formally decided that I will request to the leadership to relieve me from Punjab for few months so that I am able to concentrate n dedicate my self fully in Uttarakhand. I may therefore be relieved of my responsibility of Punjab wrote Harish Rawat in a message to the central Congress high command.

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