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Harish Rawat accuses the defectors from Congress to BJP as culprits of democracy and Uttarakhand who are now desperate to join Congress

While on the one hand, extremely confident of returning to power and overwhelmed, former minister and Jageshwer lawmaker Govind Singh Kunjwal has on Sunday declared that 6 BJP MLAs are likely to join Congress party in the near future, the former chief minister of Uttarakhand and aspirant for the UK CM’s post Harish Rawat is busy ridiculing and criticizing the rebel Congress leaders, especially Satpal Maharaj, terming them as culprits of Uttarakhand and democracy, who had defected to BJP in 2016 after destabilising the Congress government led by him saying that after having failed in the saffron party with BJP high command sidelining and not trusting them and making three CMs of BJP and RSS origin, doubting on their integrity etc, they are now desperate to join Congress, searching their old Congress DNA.

Harish Rawat added that they are the enemies n culprits of democracy and Uttarakhand and asked as to what treatment should be accorded to them.

In a tweet with a detailed note in Hindi, Harish Rawat wrote: In 2016 how many men were involved in destabilising the govt ? If we analyse about the then Congress rebels who defected to BJP with the intent to become the CM, because I was strongly sitting on CM’s chair, one comes to the conclusion that they had no hope as had Congress won that election in 2017, I would have been the CM again. So they defected to BJP thinking that in case the saffron party wins they will become the CM there. He said some MLAs had defected on pressure and for money, for which I have no anguish. But those MLAs who were blaming and criticizing him, that I have not done anything in my constituency should also see their respective constituencies, where all the development works have been done under my tenure and it’s because of these works that today they are able to raise their heads with pride.

All these development works have been sanctioned and implemented during Harish Rawat’s tenure said the former CM.

Referring towards the cabinet minister n senior BJP leader Satpal Maharaj, a bete noire of Harish Rawat who had defected to BJP in 2016 with aspiration to become CM, Harish Rawat said that today his electorates are asking him ( Maharaj) where are your development works as the existing projects were cleared n implemented during Harish Rawat’s tenure as CM?

Today there is conflict between two types of lawmakers wanting to join Congress one who could not do any development work in their constituency, fearing their defeat at the hustings and other who had defected to BJP only with the intent of becoming the CM of UK, but now that party has become “sour grapes”, for them, as the high command has made three CMs of of original BJP n RSS cadre, leaving them behind ( reference to Satpal Maharaj), doubting their integrity.

After having been sidelined in BJP they are today searching the old DNA of Congress and desperate to join it. But they are the culprits of democracy and Uttarakhand. He questioned, Ehat’s your take ? What treatment should be meted out to them? Wrote former CM Harish Rawat.

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