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Hundreds of IYC activists protest against massive unemployment and skyrocketing inflation in Goa. Lathi charged and arrested.

After two days of national executive meeting in Goa hundreds of Indian Youth Congress activists in coordination with Goa unit today protested and courted arrests against massive unemployment and skyrocketing prices of petrol, diesal and domestic gas including of essential commodities all over the country raising anti BJP led NDA government slogans airing their anguish demanding bringing down these highly escalated inflation that’s adversely affecting the countrymen, especially those hailing from middle n lower middle classes of the country. The protest demonstration was led by nine other than the IYC national chief Sriniwas BV.

This has been the tenth massive demonstration and court arrest programme of Indian Youth Congress in Delhi and different parts of the country during a month’s time against expeditiously spiralling prices of petroleum products n essential commodities n disinvestment, sale of government undertakings and autonomous bodies selling them to the Ultrarich few.The Goa police had a hard time controlling the acrimonious slogan shouting Youth Congress activists led by its energetic president who later in courted arrest along with hundreds of Youth Congress activists.

Addressing the demonstrators IYC chief Sriniwas BC said the Modi government came to power by showing big dreams to the countrymen but today inflation has become fatal for the poor. The people of Goa are also suffering from inflation, youth are wandering here n there desperately due to unemployment, but the Goa government is busy in itself. Domestic cylinder prices are set to cross ₹ 1000, similarly petrol diesel prices are also on fire said IYC chief.

He added that People of the country are troubled by inflation and unemployment, but the government is not ready to listen to public’s call, and today when the Indian Youth Congress reached peacefully to register its protest, the Goa Police lathi-charged and arrested many Youth Congress colleagues.

The National President of Indian Youth Congress, Srinivas BV said that instead of controlling n bringing down the inflating prices of essential commodities n petrol products including domestic gas, the Modi government is punishing the public by continuously increasing the prices of LPG cylinders?

The price of gas cylinder has increased to ₹190 totalling the per cyling cost to Ts 884, beyond the reach of the poor n economically deprived sections of the society. He added that the Modi government has become very expensive for the country and the countrymen. Petrol and diesel are the most expensive in India as compared to neighboring countries, and Modi ji is saying that the country is changing.

He also said that the only and only Modi government and its anti people policies are responsible for the troubles that have erupted making people’s lives difficult to survive. Leaders who’d filled their treasury by putting the common man in trouble have forgotten that very soon they too have to go to the public court. This is Modi ji’s promise of ‘Acche Din’.

According to the reports, most graduate unemployed are wandering on the streets but the government is busy in its own branding by spreading its false propaganda. He also said that the the saffron party led NDA government has looted the public by increasing the oil tax under the alleged ‘Janloot programme’. Even after skyrocketing prices , there are only hollow promises and nothing else.

The AICC Jt-Secretary Krishna Allavaru said that the prices of gas cylinders have increased more than double during the Modi government as compared to the prices of domestic gas cylinder Manmohan Singh government. People are being trapped in the vicious cycle of inflation by showing the dream of good days. Today the government is not saying anything on the issue of employment of 2 crore jobs as promised earlier, but instead, lakhs of youth are becoming unemployed.

Indian Youth Congress leaser Rahul Rao strongly condemned The brutality of Goa Police who lathi-charged the members of the Youth Congress and then arrested them, but the Youth Congress is not going to back down from such use of force said Rao. Indian Youth Congress will continue to raise its voice against the corrupt policies of the government. Former Goa CM Shri Digambar Kamat, Goa Congress President Girish Chondankar,Goa Youth Congress State President Varad Mardolkar, Goa In-charge and Youth Congress National Secretary Akhilesh Yadav, Mohd. Harris Nalapad, along with many IYC National office bearers, State Presidents, and many other Goa Youth Congress workers also participated in the protest.

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