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IYC resolution demands Rahul Gandhi be made Congress president as he is the sole leader boldly fighting in People’s burning issues

Goa, 06 September 2021:

Today was the second concluding day of the two-day national executive meeting of the Indian Youth Congress. The meeting was organized in Goa, presided over by IYC chief Srinivas BV and IYC In-charge and AICC Jt. Secretary Krishna Allavaru on two different sessions.

The two day hectic session of the IYC national executive witnessed serious discussions on various topics of national significance including challenges before the organization in the coming days and how to overcome them.

Major programs of the organisation, internal elections, membership issue , all the major issues including campaign in the coming elections in the five states including role of Youth Congress were discussed at length.

The serious burning issues such as unemployment, rising inflation, farmers problem, national security, selling the country’s properties to ultra rich and how to fight against the BJP government on these anti-people issues in the coming times were the centre of discussions.

Before the conclusion of the two days national executive meet, political and the organisational resolutions were unanimously passed by all the national office bearers and by all the state presidents with a voice vote raising their hands.

The resolution states that the Youth Congress is alarmed and anguished at the growing unemployment, prise rise and farmers issues which have risen to the highest level with the BJP ruled central government having failed to control them. It criticised the BJP led NDA government for having allegedly failed on the national security front with Pakistan flexing it’s muscles against India and China illegally occupying 1000 square kilometres of India’s sovereign land.

The IYC resolved to protest the Chinese illegal occupation of India’s sovereign land and demanded the Indian reclaim its sovereign land. On the government’s monetization pipeline project the resolution says that it is nothing but Indian closing sale of the assets built by our country over 70 years. The IYC resolves to fight from the streets to parliament against the sale of India said the IYC resolution. Apart from issues concerning comment man the IYC also unanimously passed the resolution demanding Rahul Gandhi be made the Congress president as according to them he is the only soke leader bolding raising the issues concerning common man hailing from the lowest strata of the society.

A separate resolution unanimously demanding Rahul Gandhi to be elected as the party chief in the incoming ” Congress convention” was also ratified with a voice vote. . The IYC chief Sriniwas BC also reiterated about the Youth Congress’s commitment to wage a unified struggle nationally on all the burning issues like skyrocketing inflation, unemployment, privatisation of government properties to ultra rich, against anti farmers three bills on the streets in order to pressurise the anti people government revoke these decisions.

National Incharge of Indian Youth Congress and AICC Jt-Secretary Krishna Allavaru said that every single worker of Indian Youth Congress will fight against this dictatorial government in the coming days and will work to disseminate the ideology of Congress party and the message of their leader Rahul Gandhi ji to the people of the country.

The former union finance minister P. Chidambaram and the Goa chief minister jointly inaugurated the two day national meet of Indian Youth Congress at Goa yesterday by lightening of the lamp and appealing youth congress activists to tighten their belts to revitalise the Congress party n youth Congress organisations to unitedly fight against the anti poor n anti people policies of the BJP led NDA government that has failed on all fronts to provide socio economic relief to countrymen.

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