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Delhi newsUttrakhand

Delhi UKD activists demand ouster of erring minister Prem Chand Aggrawal from Uttarakhand cabinet for calling Uttarakhadies as “Sale Pahadee”

The Delhi unit of Uttarakhand Kranti Dal today protested in front of the office of the residential commissioner of Uttarakhand in Delhi at Rouse Avenue demanding immediate resignation of the arrogant Uttarakhand Finance and Parliamentary Affairs minister Prem Chand Aggrawal for his extremely indecent remarks against the Uttarakhand community in the Delhi assembly when the house was in session.

He pronounced the Uttarakhand citizens as “Saale Pahadees” with the video going viral and entire community enraged at the pan India level where Uttarakhandis reside in dominant numbers.

The minister instead of seeking apologies preferred to be obstinate thus creating a divide between the Uttarakhadies and nin Uttarakhadies.

The Congress lawmaker from Badrinath assembly constituency Lakhpat Butola who vociferously raised his voice against the erring minister was shown the floor by the speaker Uttarakhand assembly instead of taking action against the erring minister.

The matter gained momentum and further added fuel to fire when the Uttarakhand BJP chief and Rajya MP Mahendra Bhatt instead of seeking apology from the minister pronounced the movement activists demanding the erring minister’s ouster as SADAK CHAAP Neta having their personal agenda.

The national spokesman of the BJP and Pauri Garhwal MP Anil Baluni though came into this controversy after lot of days said that the minister’s attitude and outbursts were undignified, unfortunate and peedadayak and he has raised the voice at the highest appropriate forums demanding action against him.

The Uttarakhand Kranti Dal activists in Delhi also presented the memorandum to the resident commissioner at the Resident Commissioner’s office and demanded the ouster of the erring minister Prem Chand Aggarwal from his minister’s post forthwith failing which they will spearhead the movement at the national level.

The protestors were raising slogans condemning the anti Pahadee statement of the minister demanding his immediate resignation or ouster from the cabinet.

Prominent among those who participated in this protest demonstration were Rakesh Binjola advocate, Mr Bihari Lal Jalandhari, Chandler Rawat, Mr.Papnei, Mr.Gaur and others.

This is not the first time that this arrogant minister has used undignified language and give beyond limits to express his arrogance in various incidents. First he was seen few years ago literally scolding an officer just because he couldn’t come near his car with garments. Secondly he was levelled with alleged corruption and nepotism charges for appointing his own relatives in jobs in Assembly when he was the speaker. Thirdly he literally in an open thrashed a person named Negi of his own party in broad daylight on Rishikesh roads with the video in social media and fourthly he scolded in an utterly undignified language a delegation of Uttarakhand movement activist whom he met after more than an hour in a shabby manner.

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