Saif Ali Khan relieved from Leelawati hospital after six stabbings and subsequent surgeries

Renowned Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan who was admitted in Leelawati hospital after being repeatedly stabbed (six times) at his 11 th floor’s luxurious flat at Sadguru Sharan apartment by an alleged Bangladeshi migrant having barged into his house with the intent of robbery/ theft grievously injuring him with severe stab wounds on his spinal chord below his shoulder, the neck and hand has today been relieved post surgeries and convalescence in the ICU n special private ward for eight days after being admitted on 16 th January , in acute pain bleeding profusely.
The entire family members , Saif’s super star mother Sharmila Tagore, Kareena Kapoor , Soha Ali Khan and other members of the family were present at the precincts of Leelawati hospital with heavy police security and top police officials guarding the super star.
Saif Ali Khan looked quite fresh ,healthy, smart and jubilant at the front entrance after emerging out of hospital telling mediamen that he is perfectly alright with a temporary black plaster on the wrist wearing a goggle.
The actor met the auto driver Bhajan Singh who came to his rescue on the fateful night of 16 th January taking him to the hospital in acute pain, profusely bleeding after being repeatedly stabbed with deep spinal chord wound in which a piece of the knife was stuck.
The auto driver touched Saif’s feet.
Thanking the auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana from the hospital bed, taking pictures with him on the bed putting his hand on his shoulders Saif Ali Khan was indeed indebted to him who turned on 16 th fateful night as a prophet for actor.
According to I.A.N.S. Mumbai, Maharashtra: Bhajan Singh Rana, the auto driver who took actor Saif Ali Khan to the hospital after he was attacked on 16 January, met the actor while being discharged from the hospital yesterday, feeling undebted.
Auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana says, “…They gave a time of 3:30 PM, I said okay, and I will reach. I was a little late, about 4-5 minutes, and then we met. As we were moving around inside, his family was there too. They were all worried, but everything went well. His mother and children were there, and I was treated with respect.. I was invited today, which felt really good. There was nothing special, it was just a normal meeting. I told him, ‘Just get well soon, I had prayed for you earlier, and I will continue to pray…’ kindly recall that on 16 th January , a thief named as Nazrul Islam from Bangladesh who according to the Mumbai Crime branch had migrated to Mumbai had barged into his house and attacked actor Saif Ali Khan six times when the burgler went into the room of his son Taimur attacking the maid earlier.
When Saif confronted this burgler he was repeatedly stabbed on the side of the spine with a knife piece stuck inside and and absconded thereafter.
The actor was rushed downwards with his sons Taimur, and Ibrahim accompanying the actor including the maid, who waived at an auto rickshaw outside Sadguru Sharan at 2.30 AM.
The auto driver who went ahead took a U turn thinking something untoward has happened and took the profusely bleeding actor to the nearby Leelawati hospital in just six minutes not realising that the injured person he was accompanying to hospital is an eminent actor Saif Ali Khan.
Saif after reaching the hospital gave his introduction and the stretcher was brought. He was taking for immediate surgery which was performed successfully including plastic surgery too and the knife piece removed from the deep wound on the side of the spinal chord.
The part of the broken knife was take out from his wound which fortunately despite being deep couldn’t injure the spinal chord. Had it pierced more the actor would have gone into paralytical attack said the surgeon Nitin Dange.
Bhajan Singh Rana, an auto driver who rescued Saif originally belonged to Uttarakhand living in a Chawl with three other auto drivers and surviving driving the auto. A person gave Rs. 11000 as prize to Bhajan Singh and appealed to Saif to buy a new auto for Bhajan Singh Rana as a token of indebtedness to him for saving his life.
However, what is surprising to note is that there was no CCTV camera inside the flat and questions being asked are as to how the burgler was allowed to go scot free despite the room where he attacked the actor was locked from outside by the family members who had gone on the upper floor in desperation and badly frightened.
The Mumbai Crime branch and the police has formed a team of thirty five police personnel working round the clon on this case and had earlier rounded up five suspected culprits finally nabbing the real culprit who was nabbed due to his using the credit card. The day he committed the crime he slept few hundred metres away is an isolated location till morning.
What is important and interesting to note here is that Ranas have been lucky and faithful to Saif n his family as one Rana has saved him by taking him to hospital when he was profusely bleeding at 2.30 AM saving his life , another Rana is serving in Delhi as the Sarmila Tagore family’s private assistant for years together dedicatedly since the days when Nawab Pataudi was alive .

( Pictures from Social media)

Mr. Bhajan Singh Rana, an auto driver from Uttarakhand did a great job by saving the life of actor-Saif Ali Khan. Mr. Rana should be awarded.