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Uttarakhand elections nearing and Congress BJP’s social media war gains momentum

In politics, which is usually called the last game of scoundrels, leaders and appeasement politics in the name of religion, caste n communities are synonym to each other.

Visiting temples and mosques, especially during elections by leaders of various political parties is a common affair to entice voters into their respective folds.

In order to gather the vote bank in the name of religion, minority n majoritarianism are two important factors that are always at work.

While the saffron party BJP considers the majority community as its main base to beget votes the other parties like Congress n several others claim itself to be secular banking on minority votes as its fiefdom, with BJP calling them Pseudo secularists.

These days wearing of a Muslim cap by the defence minister Rajnath Singh praying in a Durgah has created another controversy raised by the veteran none other than veteran Congress leader and general secretary of AICC strongly Harish Rawat, strongly resisted and criticized by the BJP chief spokesman and national media incharge Rajya Sabha MP Anil Baluni politically taking him to task.

While responding to Harish Rawat’s humorous n ridiculous taunt on Twitter post, Baluni has written in that everyone knows, Congress has always been using appeasement politics to grab votes whereas the BJP believed in the slogan of “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas” ( support of all and development of all).

It all happened when, proactive in social media Harish Rawat posted a matter on his Twitter handle with an old picture of now defence minister Rajnath Singh in a Muslim cap in a Durgah, offering prayers during late prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee tenure as Home minister.

In his annexed post in Hindi Harish Rawat has while ridiculing the veteran BJP leader and defence minister wrote : BJP friends : See the following pictures. Wearing a round cap ( Gol topi) in a Durgah Harish Rawat becomes Maulana Harish Rawat and you have send the picture of mine in Muslim cap in each n every house. Now please tell me, has Rajnath Singhji now become Maulana Rajnath Singh? There is a photo of Atal Bihar Vajpayeeji like this as well, would you like to call him Maulana Atal Behari Vajpayee ? There is one photo of Modiji also, an icon of Hindutva. Will you call them with the same name as you have kept the title reserved for me, asked Rawat? If you are courageous call them also with the same name as you’ve named me asked former Uttarakhand chief minister Harish Rawat.

Strongly responding to Rawat’s post, the Rajya Sabha MP and national BJP media in charge Anil Baluni reacted that Congress party always believes in the appeasement politics in the name of religion whereas BJP believes in Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. In his post he wrote : The public very well knows. People are well aware that the BJP believes in Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas whereas the Congress party has been explicitly doing the politics of appeasement and you are its burning example said Baluni. The people are well aware n remember that you had prayed on Jumme ki namaaz in a mosque and declared it a holiday officially while you were the chief minister. You had been incessantly visiting mosques and praising madarsaas to sent across a message to beget votes of this community wrote Rajya Sabha MP Baluni in his social media post.

Baluni added that we consider everyone as the equal citizen of the country and look at all with equal emotion and reverence. Today a government believing in the development without appeasement and discrimination is functioning in the country said Baluni.

He catagorically said that the Congress party has, always been using the religion card during elections with appeasement politics being its main weapon.

Kindly recall that after being made the chief of the Uttarakhand campaign committee Harish Rawat is trying his best to criticize the BJP in social media this, way or that way and the BJP too by blaming him for his failures while ge was the state CM involved in a sting operation for alleged purchase of lawmakers.

featured pic: Outlook library

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